The Fallen

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The fall to earth was the most painful thing I had ever experienced. It was much more agonizing then death itself. My white feathers were singed black never to go back to the pure white they were once were. As I fell I watched as the Archangels take the halo that was made for me specifically and tear it into shrapnel, throwing it down at me and scattering it into the plains of the mortal world only to evaporate before touching the ground.

The landing was the worse of it all. I felt the impact of the ground before I even hit. It felt like every bone had broken. I land in the sand and I looked around my surroundings, studying them, trying to figure out where I had landed. "Florida? Really?" I say out loud hoping the big man upstairs was listening. He was going to make this harder than it already had to be. I watched as the last bits of my halo flew through the air like shooting stars and disappearing. What had happened to me. I used to be one of the Archangels. I was thrown out not by God. The order had never came down from any higher than the rest of the Archangels.

"Hey kid! You're not supposed to be out here!" I looked around and over my shoulder and a police officer was standing a few feet away. "Isn't this a public beach officer?" I ask and there was a cold breeze that swept by. I looked behind me and seen my wings had retreated. "Yes it is but the problem is that a meteorite might have landed close by. You are sitting dead center of the crater." He said walking up to me with a hand on his gun. "Are you from around here?" He asked and he clearly was thinking that I wasn't human. Well it's partially true but I was human at one time. "Yes officer I am from around here. We are in Daytona correct?" He eased back and nodded his head. "Where are your parents then and why are you shirtless in the middle of December. I know its Florida but it still gets cold." He says walking up to me.

"Yea you're right. I was born up in Illinois and I am used to the cold. I was going for a little bit of night swimming. I am uncomfortable around crowds. So I was just about to get into the water when I saw something hit here and I got curious and came up here and there was nothing around. I sat down trying to see if it was buried. Then you showed up."

He looked at me and sighed. "Okay one more time where are your parents?" He said pulling out a note pad and pen. "Come on I don't have all night kid." I looked around and then back to him. "I haven't seen them for a long time." I say making my voice break and looking down. This was the best way for me to be put into the system and to exist. I had to so I could get around down here and honestly it was humiliating. "Alright kid lets go I am taking you to the precinct." He grabbed my arm and I pulled away from him and pushing him away hard enough to put a few feet between us. "Do not touch me." I said and he looked at me with a low growl and took out a pair of handcuffs. "You assaulted an officer. I am taking you in." He said and rushed me.

"Great the one night I get thrown out of Heaven and landing on earth that this police officer was on route." I said out loud and ducked under him and taking off into a full sprint towards the crowd. I can't let anyone see my wings or use my powers in public in front of the mortals. That's the problem with humans. They are terrified by the unexplained. Plus there is no need for anymore crusades over religion. That's what had happened when the crusades started. The big man upstairs decided to cast out one of the trouble makers when He fell and showed his power thinking that the humans would worship him started the original Crusades. Of course the Archangels were sent down to clean up the mess and that's why it was never heard of. Plus the shooting star thing was started by the Archangels. Shooting stars are really pieces of halos being thrown down to earth.

When I was sure I had lost him I slowed down my pace to a fast walk and I walked into one of the gift shops that were still open surprisingly. "Hey kid do you need any help finding something. Maybe a shirt and shoes?" A girl said behind me. She was wearing a staff shirt and name tag. She was about a inch shorter than me and long blonde hair that reached down to the middle of her back. She didn't look much older than 17 years old. "Um no... Kate. If that is really your name. You don't look like your old enough to work here. But that is none of my business. I am broke I am just looking around."

"Really now. You look like you were running from someone. Take a shirt and a pair of sandals. The only thing you need to do first is give me your name and maybe a number. Depends on how generous I am feeling."

"My name is Marcus. Now where is the sandals."

"What about a number?" She asked looking up and down me. She started to blush when I walked up to her and making her back into a wall.

"No phone. Look I need to get out of here now. I am in a huge rush running from the police." She looked up to me and her grin just kept getting wider.

"Running from the police. That sounds hot. Maybe we could go into the back for the shirt and sandals and come to a deal." She grabbed me by the belt loops and started to pull me closer. I started to push away, but she kept coming after me.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled aggravated and with a blast of wind my wings unfurled and knocking a few aisles over breaking mugs and glass. She let out a scream and backed off into the corner staring at me. "Get me a shirt and sandals now and I will be on my way." She didn't say anything and pointed to the the back. I furled my wings back and grabbed them. On my way out I seen the girl Kate on the phone with probably the police.

"He is about six foot one. Long light brown hair that is about nose length. White and looks around 17 years old. He came in and started tearing up the store and started to lay his hands all over me. Please I am scared." She described and as crying.

"What? You were all over me." She looked up and backed away from the phone. "I can't believe this. You are calling the police and lying to them." I grabbed the phone and crushed it under my foot. "Don't you see the wings? I am not scared of the police. Now get the hell up." She stood up slowly and looked down away from eye contact. "Now your going to tell the officers that show up here that you got the description wrong. You seen an older gentle man that was going on about an angel and started to destroy the shop yelling that the end has started or else I swear on my wings that I will drag you straight into hell and chain you up there."

She yelped and started to nod her head. "Now if you will excuse me." I started out of the store and looked up to the camera. When I turned back around Kate was gone.

I walked into the back of the store and she was on the computer going over the video files of what just happened.

Without a word or any sign of warning I darted into the room and started to smash every electronic thing in the office. She tried to stop me but to little success. I managed to get the memory drive before she started to hit me over the back with the leg of a busted table.

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