Drunken Angels and Barn Fires

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I had figured that Daytona wasn't exactly on the plans for them but the idea of playing with my emotions after being thrown out was just down low even for the Archangels. The next few hours of walking around in the snow waiting for my wing to heal wasn't as fun as I had thought. Now that I had been thrown out of heaven and had lost most of my power that was bestowed upon me as I was accepted to be an Archangel, snow had lost its beautiful look by how cold the wind hit my body. 

"So what do you plan on telling your mother about all of this? That your alive after she watched you being lowered into the ground." Ralph asked gliding a few feet above me mocking me that he could fly and I couldn't just yet. 

"I honestly have no clue. The reason I trusted the doc with the whole divine thing was that I thought it would be a good idea because he didn't believe in god or anything higher than natural science. That I would be making a true believer outta someone while I was down here."

"That's just mean. We angels don't come down to the mortals and make true believers out of them. That's a stereotype. What do you humans say? That's racist." He pouted and landed in front of me and stopping me.

"How can it be racist? You don't exactly have a race. You can appear as any human race you want. Your divinity."

He sat there for a moment thinking over everything. "Yea you do have a point. Still mean though. Hey do you think you're ready to fly yet. You look like the cavemen after the flash freeze Theo caused."

"Wait Theo caused the flash freeze that... Never mind I don't want to know."  I said moving my wing slightly and carefully. "Not just yet I can still feel the tendons are still torn. Maybe we should find some shelter."

We spent another hour looking around for a place to crash and away from the storm. We eventually found an old barn that looked pretty abandoned. I remembered the barn from years ago. It belonged to the McKinizie family way back then but the issue is that the whole family was killed in a shootout with the police because they were caught brewing and selling illegal moonshine.

"Hey Ralph go get some of the hey and anything that is solid wood. Unlike you I need warmth. I am going to see if I can find some fuel." He just sighed and walked off. I flipped through everything. All the hidden cabinets and all the  holes and storage basements that were there but nothing. The police had wiped all of the moonshine out of it.

"Marcus... This water tastes funny. I see why you humans like it so much." Ralph said in the distance. I followed the sound of the voice and found him in the loft with a mason jar of moonshine. He had already drank three of them and was working on the fourth one. "Damn it Ralph give me that!" I yelled and swiped it out of his hands. "Heyyyy!" he softly yelled and then looked at his hand. "Whoa that is amazing!" 

He struggled to get up and when he did he walked to the edge of the loft. I started to say something but it stopped itself. He unfurled his wings and jumped off and uselessly flapped his wings and was air born for a minute before landing face first into the ground. "So moonshine can make angels drunk. Nice to know." 

"What was in that water??" Ralph said with his face still in the dirt. "There was nothing in the water because there is no water. You are drunker than a redneck that works in a brewery. That was moonshine you idiot."

Using the moonshine Ralph had found we started a fire that soon started to get out of control and burned down the whole barn to the ground in minutes. After a few hours of watching the fire we heard the sirens of a few fire trucks. "Let's get going Ralph." I said unfurling my wings which were sore still but I was able to fly again. We took off south towards Florida once again. Now that I was alive by law I know I will be getting watched all the time. Especially since I am choosing to put myself back into foster care. I don't know why but I feel like I have to. I was about to go down a road that there is no turning back on.

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