How we met

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It was a bitter sweet day, the air was crips from the new season. Fall had arrived and with that means sweaters, warm coffee, and holidays. As I look out the window to my grandkids playing with the local kids, I smile when I feel a sweet kiss on my cheek.

"What are you doing?"
"I'm watching the grandkids play. Need to make sure they're safe after all."

Zeref moves some hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear. "A mother-bear like always"
The front door opens, the grandkids topple over each other. "Marie, get off me you're heavy" Marie gets a scowled look on her face and she punches her brother's shoulder. 
Zeref picks Marie up and looks this his grandson, "Marco be nice, she didn't mean to."

I giggle in the hall watching Zeref treat our grandkids like they were own kids back in the day. "Zeref take them to the kitchen and get them something warm. Maybe some cookies and coco."

Glee hits their faces and Maris practically jumps out of Zeref's arms. When we all reach the kitchen we I see Marco staring at a picture of Zeref and I when we were younger. With one cookie in hand and pointing with his other he ask "grandma who are these people?"

Zeref bends down and ruffles his hair, "Well that handsome guy there is me and that beautiful gem there is your grandma."

"Grandma you look so pretty." Marie looks over to me with crumbs on her face. I take a napkin and wipe her face. "Thanks you sweetie, but I was very young then."

"How old were you guys?"

"About 17-18 I think. That was the summer I met your grandpa. It was a very nice summer too."

"It's so hot, let go swimming or something"
I was watching my bestfriend Zera get ready for the big carnival tonight. She through a wash cloth at me that I happily take and place on my forehead. "Mavis get ready, I told you we're going out so I can show you around town."

"What can't you show me from a swimming pool. Please, I won't be in long plus, I don't wanna go to some carnival it's so kid like and crazy people are there."

"Mavis you're a kid and you're crazy. You're going."

When we got to the carnival it wasn't that bad actually, the lights were bright behind the black sky, and everyone was dressed from classy to casual. I just wore a simple red dress and matching cloth jacket. Zera links her arm with mine as we walk down to the bumper cars. "Let's ride these."

We get into our cars, and wait for signal to go, I look at her with hard eyes but as laugh at the thought of bumping into her. With the bell going off, we're able to move around. With people hitting each other and everyone laughing around me, I was happy Zera brought me here.

"Oh my gosh that was so much fun."

"Yeah, it really was."

Zera and I walked around the park, looking at the booths full of games and food. Zera liked a certain toy but grew sad for some reason. "What's wrong?"

"I just wished someone could win that toy for me, like they do in the movies."

"I can get it for you."

Her eyes lite up, she hugged my side and couldn't stop jumping up and down. Over and over she said her thanks, even at the booth she whispered it in my ear one more time. The man handed me the small rings to throw on the milk bottle. A few others were near me, a women and a tall man. My first toss wasn't that good, only hitting the bottle, my next one almost went around but was a little short.

With my last one in hand, I inhaled to steady my arm, throwing it, it finally made it around the bottle. The worker called winner and Zera was happy that she's get her prize. I was waiting for the man to hand me my prize, but instead the man gave it to another person. "Hey, I thought I won? What happened?" The man said I wasn't the first to get my ring around the bottle, the man next to me did. I felt defeated, I couldn't get Zera her prize, she pat my shoulder and told me not to worry, but still I feel bad. 

"Uh, excuse me?"

I glanced over my shoulder and saw the man that stood next to me. He was tall and wore a brown workers hat, the kind you would see from lumber yards. His navy blue bottom up shirt was tucked into his tan pants. He was very handsome and very welt built. "Yes?" He had the small bear in his hands, he looked shy but for a reason I was also getting shy. He looked down when he held the bear to me. "Here, I don't need it. You can have it." Zera and I looked at each other, he didn't move and inch and still held his arm out to me, I was hesitant to take the bear, but Zera pushed me towards him. My heart was beating a mile a minute when I went to grab the bear. I touched the side and he let go. He finally looked and that's when I saw his eyes, they were so dark that I felt intimidate to speak to him. 

"T-Thank you sir."

"It was no problem miss."

We stood there in awkward silence for some time, I would look away, but my eyes would always go back to him. "Well, I should get going. Enjoy the bear." He waved good bye to me then started to walk away. Watching him walk away, I felt this small pain in my heart, I started to leave as well, but I needed to know something just to make me feel satisfied. "Hey Sir!" He looked over his shoulder and cocked his head to the side. "W-What's your name?"

He did a half smile and took his hat off his head. He places it over he shoulder, doing a small bow when he said his name. "Zeref, and you?" I blushed hearing his name, I grabbed the hem of my skirt and did a little bow as well, "Mavis, its nice to meet you Zeref."


A very long update for this book ^^' Im sorry about that, but to make it up to everyone I'll make a second part to this, if anyone wants that. Anyway, hoped you liked it :)  

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