Points of View

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It's simple really, the girl that I love more than anything is seeming so distance lately, is it her fault or mine?  I can't help but let out another sigh of frustration out. What is going on with me, with her, with us. Dammit, I don't know what todo anymore. I look out to see Mavis enjoying some talk with a guy from her class, he's slightly shorter than I, same dark hair and eyes. Just seeing this really makes me want to go over there ripping her away form him, but that wouldn't be right of me. 

She looks over to me with this smile on her face that sends my heart racing. She leaves the guy and running to me. She gets on my lap and kisses the tip of my nose. "What are you here silly boy?"Her arms are wrapped around my arms playing with my hair a bit, tugging slightly. "I'm just tired is all, don't worry about me." She pout a little from my words, "You know I don't like when you say that line. Of course I'm going to worry about you." 

I nibble a little at her lower lip which causes her to let out a sweet giggle. The giggle puts all the doubt I had to shame, makes me foolish, but sadly I can't say its all gone. A small part still lingers within. "Thinking about something Zeref?" I look to her doughy eyes, I shake my head, picking her up and setting her on the bench while I stand up. "I gotta finish something, I'll see you later okay." I kiss the top of her head then dash off to my destination, leaving her there for her sake.

Mavis's POV:

He...He left me... just picked me up and set me to the side. I know he didn't mean to but, damnit mavis, you're so stupid. He has every right to push me away, I deserve this pain. Is it my fault or his? Are we going to be okay again? I sniff back the tears but, it's to late, the small stream comes down then another and another and so on till I feel nothing but water on my face. I hide in the broom closet, throwing my stuff down on the ground before I too slump to the ground. I cuff my face in my hands crying, the man I love is actually slipping from my grasp and the worst part is I don't know how to stop or slow it down. I'm so upset with myself the only thing I can do is repeatedly kick a bucket to let out all this frustrations I have, with each kick of the bucket I ask myself over and over "What can I do?"


At the end of the day, I didn't see much of Zeref, he would just walk me to my next class, kiss my forehead then leave without so much of a word. Maybe I did something, maybe this distance is my fault. This is going to be a long class period. I listen to the clock tick my as I think about everything Zeref and I have fought about or had a rough time with. Nothing really seems to be sticking out. "Damnit."

Zeref's POV:

Perfect its raining outside. I mumble to myself on how I picked the perfect day to not bring a jacket. "Zeref? Where's your jacket?" I turn my head to see Mavis holding and umbrella, her light green jacket dulls her eyes just a bit, but I don't mind it, I still love looking at them. "I forgot to bring one, now I have to walk home in this." 

"You can use my umbrella and give it to me later."

"No you need it more than I do. I don't want you getting sick."

"Then lets walk home together."

"No, I'll walk home alone, but I'll let you know when I get home safely."

I step out in the rain and start my way home but some force pushes me slightly from behind. Turning I see Mavis, clutching her hands into small fits her hair getting wet. "Why are you leaving me alone again. Do you not care about me anymore." Her words are cutting into me like knives, how could she even say that to me. "Of course I care about you, why would you even say that."

When she looks up to me, I see the redness in them, the pink showing up on her nose. "What did I do to push you away."

"You didn't do anything I promise."

"Then what is it. You've been so distance, so upset and angry. There's a wall between us I can feel it. Did I cause it? Did I do something to upset you so much? Just tell me what it was so I can fix this so we can go back to what it used to be."

She's now drenched in water, her hair looks like straw, her eyes are so puffy and red I don't know if she can even see my own tears. "You didn't do anything wrong, its all my fault. Just let me suffer and feel guilty for this."

"You still didn't tell me the reason for this guilt. What is it."

"It's all this stupid jealously I have, all those guys make you laugh, smile. You praise them if they draw something I wish I could draw. I see the way you are with them, you do it so easily with them. You don't know how baldy I want to take you away from every male that looks at you, to keep you just to myself but I can't cause that's not right of me. I shouldn't keep you in a cage, cause of my childish jealousy."

Mavis POV:

I sniff back the tears and even some of the rain water. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him close to me. The warmth we're creating makes me forget just how cold I really am. I look up to him and crease his cheek, I give him the softest smile I could give him. 

"Zeref, what have I alway asked you. What the one thing I want from you always. It's just four words love."

"Just talk to me."

"Yeah, that's all I ever want from you. See if you talked to me then we can solve it together. It's not good keeping it all in, nor will it solve anything. I know you're a jealous guy and I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I love that, so the next time you think its a bad thing just remember to me its the best thing ever. I love you Zeref, I'd pick you over anyone ever. I want you and only you forever.

I straight up to him and he mets me half way to a cold kiss, but ti quickly heats up when he hold it for awhile. We part ways, full of happy tears and joyful smiles. "I'm so sorry for acting like this." I smile at him, not caring for how he acts. " It's alright, I'll love you no matter what."

He takes my hand and the umbrella in the other. "Let me take you home okay." 


Looks like I still have the writing touch ^^, another long one but who doesn't love long stories. Also I'm to lazy to edit it I'll do it later. Anyway, hope you like it :) 

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