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"Its better to be alone sometimes to clear the things in our mind."


"Respect people who deserved to be respected."


"Smile at people who hate you, they will feel annoyed."


"Be thankful for those few people stay at your side even they know who you really are."


"Be yourself cause everything in this world are not perfect."


"Don't judge others without knowing their reasons."


"One mistake and people will judge you."


"Every people in this world will have untold stories."


"Everything happens for a reason."


"Small girls are cute and pretty, but tall girls are classy."


"Being stupid sometimes is not bad." :)


"Make yourself happy and funny, I'm sure other people think that you dont have a problem."


"I hate you, but I love you."


"Sometimes being out of place make us unimportant."


Yan muna :) hope yah like it guysss.😉😘
Lovelots <3 ❤

- Doraemaen_17

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