yeah i know i know ive complained before - but i just really hate him ( *-*)
so as of now I'm in English (with the Mr bowl cut little fuck - note the bell just rang - now maths nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo) so more teachers I hope you'll enjoy
My stupid English teacher - Mr. Bowl cut little fuck
so as of today I was sick (still am ;-;) so I asked if I could go and get my drink bottle cus my throat be really sore (i'm good at English I know) and he said NO - i was gonna die!! and he didnt even care like WTF - but i got it anyway cus i'm rebel
he also asked for my assessment that was due on Monday (it is now Friday) i gave it to him - AND HE DIDNT TAKE LIKE WTF GET IT RIGHT FOR ONCE!!!!! - and im not to only one who hates him EVERYONE DOES!!!!