The LGBTQ+ Community

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Now I'm not saying that I hate the community if anything I love it and I think it's great that people are opening up to who they really are

The thing I hate about it is when people say 'no' there're heartless and there're monsters

People sound be allowed to know who they are that's what they choose to do

Now I'm not sure about your country but in Australia, we are having a vote on whether gay marriage should be legal and I'm not old enough to have a say but here it is anyway

I believe that people of any gender male, female, trans or bi should be able to marry the people they love, so I would vote yes

Just imagine if you could of marry the person you love and you were stuck for all eternity forever alone and the darkness seeping over you, that must be scary, now imagine if you were gay, what would happen?


Now I know what you all must be thinking - why do I care - well because it is our right as human beings to accept everyone no matter who they are no matter of their personality so if you are over the age of 18 I encourage you to vote yes (Australia) but if not you do you but remember the darkness

Till next time

Princess Out!!

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