Creepypasta Website

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Just last night, the police got a phone call from a teenage girl who called herself Nina. Here's how the call went.

Nina: "Hello officer."

Police officer: "Is there something the matter miss?"

Nina: "The voices."

*Woman screams on the line*

Police officer: "Is something the matter?"

Woman: "Nina! Stop!"

*The screams get louder*

Nina: "I must do it. I must obey him."

Police officer: "Fuck this shit."

Nina: "Go to sleep."

*Nina hangs up*

Just a few hours before, her mother had called their doctor about her strange behavior which was reported as twitching, vomiting, fiddling with devices and the internet, and polishing a kitchen knife. That same knife was found at the crime scene and when police investigated, they found a blocked website titled:

When they unblocked the website, they discovered videos and pictures of dead corpses, selfies of creatures and people, and many other things that cannot be spoken of. However, when questioning Nina on the subject she said: "It was the static."

Authorities say to not let children or teens under the age of 18 to go on the website but they don't know who has created the website. Authorities are doing what they can but another incident was reported in Texas.

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