Day 3 (substituted) - Valentine's Day

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A Plushy Special

It was because of Dawn that he was here, Ash thought to himself rather bitterly. It was February, and it was nearly time for the Grand Festival for Dawn, and after that was Ash's gym battle against Volkner, followed by a chance at the Sinnoh League. But instead of preparing for either of those upcoming events, Dawn wanted to do... some Valentine's Day shopping instead...

And Ash wasn't too pleased about. "Oh quit grumbling Ash!" Dawn snapped as she heard another exaggerated sigh escape Ash's lips. "I am so tired of your complaining. Lighten up will ya?"

Ash scoffed, "No thanks. Dawn, just what is the point in all of this?" he said, holding up the shopping bags he was being forced to carry around in the mall they were in.

"The point being Ash," Dawn said patiently, "Is making ourselves feel better on Valentine's Day." Dawn saw Ash and Pikachu's unmoved faces. "Ugh... Okay, let me put it to you this way," she pointed at Brock at the back, himself, and then herself, "Just look at us! A trio of travelling bachelors, we are hardly going to get any Valentine's come next week! Except probably from our parents... But the point is, is that I don't want to feel unloved come next week!"

Brock just let his drooped shamefully. It was true; the three of them didn't really qualify as a group that would be seeing much affection on the day of love. "Well," he said out loud, "At least I'll be getting a ton of greetings from all ten of my other siblings! That counts somehow, right?!" Brock claimed victoriously.

Dawn sighed, "Not really Brock, but hey, at least you have some people who'll want you to be happy on Valentine's Day. All I'll get is a call from Mom..."

Brock looked at her curiously. "But wait, Dawn, isn't there technically Kenny?"

"Kenny? Ew! No way!" Dawn's face scrunched up upon hearing her childhood friend's name, "I do not see Kenny that way."

Brock sighed, well, there went pacifying Dawn out the window. Dawn then turned her attention to Ash. "And what about you, Ash? Have anyone that'll wish you a Happy Valentine's Day?"

Ash frowned, "Um..." he murmured thoughtfully, "My Pokémon?" he said, Pikachu snickered quietly, but then chilled as he thought of what Buneary would dare to pull on him next week...

Just then, Brock remembered something that had to do with Valentine's Day, his mouth line conforming to a very mischievous grin as he approached Ash, and swung an arm around the boy's shoulders. "Hey, Ash, what about Misty, huh...?" Brock said, playfully poking Ash's face.

Ash felt his blood go to his face, a blush appearing as he recalled last years' Valentine's Day in the Hoenn region and... "B-Brock! No! I-it's not like that!"

"Aw c'mon, Ash," Brock laughed as Ash struggled to free himself from Brock's grip, but being older and taller than Ash meant Ash couldn't do it, no matter how hard he tried. "You remember what happened right? Who's to say it won't happen this year, huh? You know what it means..."

"Knock it off, Brock!"

"Admit it!"


Dawn stared at the two of them, 'Misty'... Where had she heard that name before...? "Um... Guys, hello?" she perked, the two stopped their scuffle to look at her, "Who's Misty again? I could've sworn you two mentioned her name once before...?"


"HAH, you're a total liar! Remember Dawn? Ash once used a specially made lure by Misty to go fishing back when we were trying to catch Buizel. The one Ash wouldn't let you near?" Brock cut in.

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