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(At the tower...)

The trio stood in front of Stark Tower or also known as Avenger's tower. "Welcome to your new home, kiddo." Tony said proudly.

Peter's eyes turned into saucers as he took in the entire tower. He swore he had never seen anything as large as the tower in his life before. "Woah! You guys live here?" He asked, not believing his eyes.

Steve shrugged. He stood behind Peter with a small smile at the boy's excited reaction. "Pretty much."

"Definetly. Each of us have our own floors along with our own personal studio, training room slash gym and a mini kitchen. The fridge is fully stocked so you can help yourself to all the food you want. " Tony started boasting and Steve rolled his eyes.

Steve placed a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Peter, you'll live with me on my floor. It was getting way too lonely by myself in there anyway. And I don't like being alone."

Peter nodded his head, thinking that all of this was just a dream the cruel universe was tricking him with and that he would wake up in that orphanage any moment. "Okay."

Steve smiled as they took the lift to his floor. His floor was huge like a house. It was spacious and there was everything you'd need. "Would you rather unpack first or meet the others?"

Peter looked at Steve, a small briefcase in his hand as he smiled sheepishly. "I think I'll unpack first. I'll meet the others after I've finished."

Steve nodded as he left Peter in his new room which was all plain and Steve said that he could decorate it however he wanted. "Alright. Call me if you need anything. My room's just next to yours."

Peter nodded in response as Steve left the room with an "Okay. Thank you Mr Rogers. For all this."

Steve smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Call me Steve. Don't worry about it. Call me if you need anything. Just anything at all."


Peter had already finished unpacking within fifteen minutes. He didn't own much since he didn't have a lot of property in the first place. He walked over to the elevator and watched as the doors closed. "Um... how do I get to where the others are?" He thought to himself out loud.

As if on cue, a robotic British accented voice spoke through from somewhere in the elevator that made Peter jump out of his skin. "Good evening master Peter. My name is JARVIS. Sir has created me in terms of service and assistance. My apologies. It was not my intention to scare you."

Peter's eyes widened by a fraction as he realized who he was talking to. "Woah! I've read about you in the daily paper. I find you extremely fascinating. Is it true that you are an artificial intelligence? And what are your other functions besides your ability to have a mind of your own?" Peter asked, having trouble holding back the questions that were currently whirling through his curious mind.

JARVIS replied with a monotone voice. "I am very flattered, master Peter. But I'm afraid you will have to ask sir about that. He did build me after all."

Peter had sighed disappointingly. "Alright."

The A.I. spoke again. "I sense confusion from you. I am able to detect emotions in other people. Do you need my assistance?"

Peter suddenly remembered why he was here. "Oh yeah. How do I get to the floor the others are on?"

"Proceeding to Avengers floor. Shall I inform master Rogers, sir and the rest of your arrival?" JARVIS asked to which Peter nodded. "Yup. Thank you, JARVIS."

"You are very welcome, master Peter." He replied.

"Just Peter is fine, JARVIS." Peter replied, flushing at the formal name.

"Very well master Peter."

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