Chapter 18

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Stephen didn't know how this happened. Honestly, this wasn't the weirdest thing he'd seen all year.

He had already accepted Tony's request to move in to Stark tower or Avengers tower. Peter didn't seem to mind and was just following him wherever he went and asked him questions which he answered as best he could.

He was in one of the nearby cafés sipping some tea (he never did really favour coffee). The small television was broadcasting something. The channel changed to Spider-Man at a robbery scene. He was trying to stop some robbers from getting away and seemed to be outnumbered. The address was stated and Stephen was already on his way, leaving behind a twenty dollar bill and a two dollar tip.

The bank was on fire. Smoke bellowed from within as he heard the masked vigilante or otherwise, his nephew, Peter Parker attempt to reason with the robbers to no avail.

"Come'on guys. Why don't we just put down the guns and no one gets hurt." The robbers had some people held hostages and they were huddling in a corner in absolute fear as they anticipated their fate.

"Spider-Man. Could I maybe perhaps offer my assistance?" Stephen said as he chose that exact moment to intervene. The robbers looked at Stephen and then back at Peter. He was now holding the both them at gunpoint.

"Get outta the way, old man! This ain't the costume party!" Stephen snorted at the man's lame comeback and he made a lazy rotating motion with his hands and two circles in strange patterns appeared.

"My name is Doctor Strange. And I believe that you are in the wrong city."

"Doc. I'm fine here, really! I can handle these guys on my own. You can go now." Peter said under his mask. He was leaning against a wall, panting heavily.

Stephen had the urge to check on him but knew better than to blow his cover. "Then, consider this a favour." He finished them up without a sheen of sweat and hauled them over to the police who thanked him profusely.

Stephen levitated Peter and exited the building. There were flashes as photographers snapped photos and a mob of reporters surrounded him.

"Sir! Sir! Can I get a name?" A young female reporter asked. Stephen didn't bother to look straight at the camera. "Doctor Strange." He replied before going off back to the Avengers compound.

By the time he landed on the tower's landing pad, he was surprised to look down and see a toddler in Peter's place.

"What the-" Something in one of Peter's cuts glowed a bright orange before it dimmed and eventually became dull.

How was he going to explain to the Avengers that Peter was now a toddler?

"So. Let me get this straight. You helped Peter from a bank robbery and went you brought him back to us, he's a baby?" Tony asked. All of the Avengers were situated on the many sofas in the living room. They held kind gazes towards the sleepling toddler in Stephen's arms.

"Yes. I sense magic at work here. I could find Wong to locate a counter spell. Until then, the effects will ware off at most two weeks." Oh how Stephen might regret saying that later on.

The next day, Stephen had woken up to an empty compound. "Where is everyone?"

"Sir has asked me to inform you that everyone has been called on an urgent mission by Fury. They will not be back until the following day and has requested that you take care of young master Peter." He jumped at the AI. He was not yet used to an invisible voice in the compound. But then again, he had a levitating cloak as a friend, so who was he to say. But babysitting?

"Master Rogers has written down a whole list of instructions on the fridge. And might I add, young master Peter seems to be awake."

Okay. Stephen admitted that he didn't know how to care for a child. His training didn't exactly involve childcare. But how hard could it be? It was just a baby.

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