Chapter 10

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I was shooting webs everywhere like a maniac. Making weird designs on my ceiling here and there. I even found out that I could climb walls now! Wait till I tell Ned and Harry!

Wait. What about my parents and the rest of the team? They're gonna freak out when they've learnt what I've become. I've got to be careful.

I had just finished school and bought some spandex for myself in the colour that represented both Iron Man and Captain America, Red and Blue.

I excused myself after dinner that night to go to bed early. Once I reached my bedroom, I locked the door shut.

I removed the faulty wooden plank in my closet in the wall and pulled out a box. In it was my suit and I tried it on for the first time.

I could move around easily in it. Although it wasn't as flexible as the material that was used to make Aunt Natasha's Black Widow suit, this would have to do for now.


"Yes, Master Peter? Dare I suggest that you rethink your decision. I would think that both Sir and Master Rogers would be highly displeased of this."

"Relax JARV. I'm just going for a walk, that's all. I'll be back soon. Override code 10082001."

"Override code accepted."

I had captured myself on the security cameras after pretending to be asleep for a while. Letting the camera's record, I then placed them on a repeated loop so that it would seem as if I hadn't moved an inch out of bed.

I had then proceeded to do the same to the ones outside. Once I was done, I slide open the window and pulled my mask over my head. Poking my head out into the night, I saw the cars rush passed on the busy streets and the sound of New York.

Shooting a web at the nearest building, I swung myself further and further into night, never looking back.

So far, things were going great. I had managed stop three muggings and a simple robbery bank with ease, discovering that I had super strength and a fast healing factor along the way. My day was going great.

As I was finishing up my last mugging, webbing the robber to a lamppost, I heard the sound of wailing sirens. There was an orange glow coming from somewhere.

I swung towards the action. People were immediately evacuated and one lady was screaming.

"Please! Save my son! He's still in there!" She pleaded.

"Which floor?"

"Apartment 4B. Hurry!"

I had swung into the building without a moment's hesitation. Walking through the fumes, I heard cries. There was a boy who was no more than the age of five. He was curled into a tight ball, sobbing in a cot.

"Kid. I'll get you out. Don't you worry. I need you to hold on to me and hold on tight. Don't let go. Can ya do that for me?" I said as reassuringly as I could. The boy nodded and clutched onto my spandex.

"Okay. Hold on tight little buddy. Here. We. Go!" I ran at full speed and crashed through some burning wood, the child in my arms.

I returned the child to the lady who thanked me.

I coughed a little. Some of the firemen had surrounded me with looks of concern in their eyes.

"Hey! You okay there?" One asked.

I got up and brushed some soot off myself. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"Who are you?"

"Just your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man!" I gave them a mock salute before swinging off into the night.

Oh boy. I just hope both dad and pops haven't found out I'm missing yet.

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