Chapter 12

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Three Months later...

This couldn't have been worse. He winced as another pile of debris fell on him. Coughing, he tried to recall what happened in the past 24 hours.

He was fighting the Green Goblin. He remembered trying to convince Harry not to drop the cable car that was full of innocent civilians.

All the Green Goblin did was cackle maniacally.  He remembered being thrown into a nearby building. Hard. Then he blacked out.

"Peter!" His uncle Loki's voice rang through his head.

"I know you aren't at home where you belong mister. Where are you? I hear groaning. Tell me the truth!"

"I'm fine! It's nothing to worry about. Just a little bruised is all."

"Peter. You cannot attempt to fool the God of Mischief. When you were five, you had gotten a bruise the size of a baby's fist and you didn't even flinch."

"Blame uncle Thor. Man what an arm he has." Peter chuckled trying change the subject.

"My point is. Do not lie to me Peter. Tell me where you are right this instant young man!" Loki hissed, not falling for it one bit.

"Fine fine! Remember the Green Goblin? You must have seen it on the news."

"No. I have just arrived back with Thor from Asguard. And the Green Goblin? Isn't he your friend? Osborne wasn't it?"

"Yeah." That sparked something in him. A sense of guilt washed over him for a brief moment.

"Where are you?"

"Power plant near the central park. I think a building or something fell on me." He coughed.

"Why didn't you call for back up you idiot?! He is a dangerous foe! I have seen Spider-Man go up against him countless times before. You barely escape his wrath each time! Do you actually want to die that much?!"

Uncle Loki was rambling on again. It was his way of showing concern. The last time he did that was when Uncle Thor was injured very badly because an Alien had swung him so hard he hit ten stories underground.

"You are lucky I do not tell your dear fathers about your recent activities." Loki mutters and Peter widens his eyes in utter horror.

"N-No! Please! They'll ground me for life!"

"I have no choice Peter. Besides. It is too late. They are already on their way to your location."


"Thor is with me. He heard it all."

Peter gulped.


The sound of the engine of the quinjet answered his question. He swore that it landed right next to him a few stories above.

"Peter. Listen. I will pull you out. Get ready." Peter nodded. He heard rumbling a some of the heaviest rocks  that were pinning him down were lifted.

He was relieved of such a heavy weight. His eyes started drooping but he was startled awake by a voice that spoke through his com.

"Peter! Stay awake!"

Peter opened his eyes but they weighed down like bricks. Once his vision cleared, he was met face to face with Captain America and Iron Man whose faceplate had retracted.

"You are grounded mister."


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