Chapter Seven: Life In Space

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Hello and sorry for the wait! I know it's a small chapter, but I have done some work on SS-I087, so you can look forward to updates. Though I don't know how often I'll be putting them out, I know I'll be working on the story more often.

So, I hope you guys like it.


Chapter Seven

Life In Space




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North paced across the small, twelve by twenty room that he had come to know as home over the years. Though he loved Uncle very much, there was just something about the Introductions that he just couldn’t find back on Earth. But at the same time, there were things about Earth that he missed. Like twenty-five minute showers and being able to go out for a burger whenever he wanted. Doing hard labor taking apart the scrap they found and piloting cruisers was something he would never give up- even for a burger.

 Though, North hoped he would be able to go home soon. Get a burger. Help Uncle in his restaurant. Maybe he would even try to convince Mr. Blackbourne to stay long enough for him to flip another house. The reserve of funds they had been able to accumulate the past six months of working would be able to put them up for a good year on Earth.

Plus with the stocks Mr. Blackbourne had been managing for all of the boys, they would be set for a while.

And now, with the girl on board, it was their top priority. Getting home, finding out where she came from, and how to help her was the only thing on their agenda. And maybe when things ended he could get that burger.

Of course, he wouldn’t get fries. No, those he would hand off to Nathan. And, of course, he would have to let Luke get some kind of sweet, too. They didn’t have much fresh food on board, and what they did bring in perishables were usually eaten within the first few weeks. At that point, the pantry on the other end of the ship was mostly stocked with canned and frozen foods.

North was good at making the stores taste good, but there was only so much he could do with minimal spices and no fresh food.

That was why he was anxious to port at the nearest space-stay. Not only would they be able to restock fresh foods, but he would be able to stretch his legs someplace he didn’t know every inch by heart.

North, having been pacing his quarters for the last ten minutes, finally caught the edge of the black and gray rug covering the cold metal floor with his foot. He caught his balance on the pull up bar he used for exercise when he woke in the middle of the night and didn’t feel like putting pants on. He heaved a sigh as he righted himself, but didn’t let go of the bar.

    His eyes fell closed as he thought about Earth. Somewhere on the ground, Uncle was most likely asleep. It was 3.49 AM in Charleston, North knew from the clock hanging above his bed. The rest of his teams families were probably doing the same, if Erica wasn’t taking yet another night shift at the hospital or Pam wasn’t out with her newest boy toy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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