8: The kitten's name

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(y/n) POV

In about 20 minutes both greenie and Blondie left all the dishes done the floor shinning and had even petted me before they left

Now me and the Eggplant were left in the room he would pet me now and than but paid more attention to his game

I noticed my body felt like crap I haven't fallen {heheheheh} or anything so I didn't understand intill I looked in Eggplants pasta
which sat on the ground next to his foot my eyes began to glow (fav/c) and I realized my cat form wasn't my main form in this world meaning I needed to turn back before I completely run out of magic

I got off Eggplants lap and ran into the closet he slept in which was only slightly cracked I taught
he didn't notice and I was good so I went to the back of the closet and transformed

It felt so good to be in my normal form I sat back covered myself in Eggplants blanket and rested for a little since I'm not a full demon I could naturally regain my magic but it took awhile so I closed my eyes and somehow I instantly passed out

Urushihara POV

A little ago I noticed the cat run into the closet and felt a weak pulse of magic come through the room

I left it alone and kept playing Sims on my computer I used a hack to get it for free

My town contained two house one with Me in the attic Satan and Alciel had the second floor and the rest was the kitchen and stuff the other house had Emilia Christia and Chiho

I was in the middle of making the cat as a pet but the game gliched and now there was a girl walking down the street

her name was Pandora she had (fur/c) hair (eye/c) eyes and (skin/c) skin she wore a (fur /color) cat hoodie and blue jeans

She stopped infront the house and looks at it for a good thirty minutes in the game and than left

"That was weird"

I said to myself than I turned off the game leaving my computer asleep and stood up streaching I grabbed my Pasta and went to the fridge and grabbed a slice of cucumber eatting it and stated thinking of the girl

'Pandora... Huh?'

I thought to myself I went to my computer and searched the name the meaning

The name Pandora is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Pandora is: All-gift. In Greek mythology, Pandora's curiosity led her to open a mysterious box, thereby releasing misery and hope into the world.

Sounds fitting for a pet of a demon household I decided to see what the cat though about this name I walked over to the closet and opened it

Welp look who got a nickname!!!!
Welp later than
Have fun with the cliff hanger
Bye bye sugar kitties~

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