11: Just incase I missed something

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(Y/n) POV

I didn't get why he repeated me

(Ashiya): "It's pronounced Urushihara. NOT. Urusharara"

"Oh i-im sorry"

I pulled the blanket higher on me feeling it slip

"Well Urushihara can you help me?"

He didn't turn around and kept playing some game


I felt hands grab the callor and snap it on my neck than let go I turned around to see him still on his computer

I ignored it and went back into the bag pulling out a lavender and (black/white) dress with shoulder sleeves and a curved callor

I started putting it over my head and pulled it on me as I pushed the blanket down it was kinda tight and showed my body more than I liked making my well everything look bigger

I was looking through the bag on my knees reaching forward when I felt eyes on me I looked up and saw both greenie and egghead looking twords me greenie on the side of me and egghead behind me they both had a slight guilty blush

I remembered that I had a dress on ... Only a dress on I blushed and sat down crossing my legs looking down and I swore I heard a damn chuckle!

It made me mad and I grabbed all my stuff putting it in my corner (Urushihara's old corner) and drinking one of the special vitamin cat water

Once I finished the bottle my body felt weird I felt like I had my magic back

Digging through the bag more i found a note say

"Your welcome (Y/n)"

With a big red kiss mark on the bottom as a signature It also had two pairs of underwear bras and kitten heels from Victoria Story

////Not cat heels kitten heels are just really small heels///

I slide the underwear and bra on under my dress

Looking in the bag there was more than cat stuff there was girl stuff earrings brushes headbands and even a pair of jeans and a crop top

Who was that person?

Under everything there was three cases I opened them one had a Pasta like eggplant's but (f/c)

And the other had something called a DS with games in the little slot

The last case was the biggest it was a laptop with a charger and a $200 (idk how much that is in yen) gift card for jungle that also had the kiss thing and written on it

"Just in cause I missed something sweetheart"


Vote if you wanna I guess later sugar~💖😜

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