14: Lwcifer?

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I yawned and looked out the window it was getting dark Mayo and Alshell had pulled out their futons laying them out and getting ready to sleep

I looked at Urusharara who was unplugging his laptop and taking it to his storage area (closet) I decided to go to sleep too

I went into my corner and sat on the bed still in my human form laying on the cat bed which wasn't that bad a fit

We all fell asleep but than it started to get cold and I didn't have Urusharara's blanket anymore so I didn't know what to do

I sat up and looked around it was the same as normal Mayo in an odd position Alshell a corpse and the dim light escaping a small gap in the closet door

I crawled over putting my hand in between the crap to get a better view

It was Urusharara looking into his computer contently with a dull look in his misty purple eyes strains of purple hair messily laying across his face and a small yawn escaping his lips

I found myself staring at him and all his features

I didn't notice his eyes look twords the me but by the time I did-

"What are you looking at?"

He said to me I didn't know what to do I felt my face get warm as he leaned over opening the door I looked up at him on the shelf

"W-Well I-i .. it's umm cold"

He looked bored as normal yet hadn't turned back to his laptop yet


Is all he said

"C-can I stay in here with you?"

I said my voice in a whisper as I looked down shyly playing with my thumbs

He looked me up and down than sighed after thinking

"Fine, but you better not take up all the room"

"Ok, Urusharara"

"Don't call me that"

I looked down thinking because I thought that was his name but I remember Emi calling him something else ....

"C-can I call you Lwcifer?"

I asked


"What about L-Lwci?"

"If I let you call me that will you shut up?"

I nodded he sighed

"Just get in"

I crawled in closing the door behind me he scooted over and I laied next to him

He closed his laptop putting it on the small dresser in the corner of the closet (It's in the manga sorry if you haven't read it just try to picture it) He laied next to me coving both of us in his blanket and facing the opposite side of the closet than me. I just looked at his hair it was so silky and bueatiful I couldn't help it I wanted to touch it

Yet I resisted my urges and fell asleep

Welp that was cutesie I guess

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