13: Kitten's a fangirl

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Me and Urushihara just finished the whole season of God is a Full Timer. As the final credits played I began to think about the show.

It was pretty funny and I really liked it expecally the character Gabriel Nightsun. He's an formal demon who proved his self as a angel he was really sarcastic and rude but had good intentions.

He also really got along with their dog Persephone who they thought was a normal dog but turned out to be an Hell Hound but her human like form was really cute.

The story was short but funny with an actually really good plot sadly it only has one season.

When the credits finally finished I looked at Urusharara.

He streatched out his arms as I jumped off the table and streatched my back.

"What you think?"

He asked leaning on the table and looking at me. I yawned jumping into the middle of my dress as I changed back into my humaniod form.

Skillfully slipping into it without revealing my body I somehow knew how to do this perfectly I don't know how it probably has something to do with Enta Isla.

"It was good I liked it"

I smiled

"But I really think Persephone and Gabe should get toghter."

I slightly squealed thinking about how cute a couple they would make

"Oh so your one of those people..."

He said in a judgemental voice

"What you mean?"

I asked

"They're called fanboys and fangirls they like to ship characters which is basically saying two characters should get together romantically or friendly."

He explained

"You know alot about them wanna explain?~"

I teased

"The internet is covered with them...."

He seemed slightly annyoed thinking of them

I looked around the room to see Alshell at the table reading a book on some landmarks while Mayo had his feet up on the wall as he laided on his back reading a different picture book

I sighed and smiled

I kinda like it here....

Hehehe Later~💖

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