Home Is Where The Problems Are

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I struggle to stay afloat, the water is warm and keeps breaking under me.

"I can't do this!" I scream in surrender, standing up and looking over my shoulder to see Zach at a calm float.

"Yes you can. You need to be relaxed." He stands up from his peaceful float.

"I can't relax." I scream in admittance.

"Yes you can. Close your eyes." He approaches me closely. I obey. He lays me across the waters as if they were a flat ground. Keeping his hands under me, he begins to move me while walking, "now take deep breaths and think about all the problems you have right now."

"How relaxing." I sarcastically say opening my eyes to see the look on his face. But surprisingly he was smiling, not thinking of a comeback. For some reason, I feel drawn to his eyes and smirky grin. I just lay and stare.

"Let me finish!" He fake pouts, "think about how you'd feel if all of them were solved the way you want them to be."

I close my eyes, take in his words, and a few deep breaths. I soon feel his hands slowly drift away. I feel free. I can't think.

"You're floating, Adri." Zach informs me. I crack my  eyes open in excitement. I see Zach standing over me smiling and behind him the sun rise with the orange sneaking across the sky.

About 30 minutes later we both lay side by side soaked over a towel on the sand. Looking up at the morning sunrise.

"..and they kicked me out after that one." Zach explained making me roar with laughter.

"Shut! Up!" I scream between laughs.

"Really they did. I guess they didnt like my welcome home party that they weren't invited to." His smile overpowers mine as he watches me giggle until I hold my stomach.

"Wow. That sounds fun." I chuckle.

"Not all the time." Zach turns his head straight so that he's looking into the sky.

"I, on the other hand, have lived a completely sheltered life. I rarely go to parties. I've never had a bf. And my friends boyfriend was my first kiss. My mom is usually always away, so I kinda just fend for myself. " I sit up on my elbows.

"Well the kiss part sounds daring." He smiles hopefully.

"It wasn't, now I feel uncontrollable guilt." I try to stop the tears from falling.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"I mean, Adri- is it Adri or DRI or drianna? I think that Annas are more formal and beautiful. You know, like princess Anna has requested your loving physical presence. If it isn't too formal. Do," he looks up at me completely confused, "Do people call you Anna?"

I snap out of confusion. "No."

"Oh, OK. Anna, I can't shelter you from ever coming in contact with your friends. You still have to go to school tomorrow, so eventually today, you have to go home."

"What?! No! I can't face them." I get all worked up.

"Yes you can. It was an accident that you two kissed, just explain that to her. It won't be too bad. And if she's your true friends, they'll eventually forgive you. Plus, you're 16 and I'm not your parent or guardian to take to truancy court."

"Fine." I say retaining my anger.

"Anna, your like a little sister, I want to help you but I think its best if you tell them. And I understand, its hard to part with someone as good looking as me- I get it. But I can't hide you from all your problems."

I know he's right but I hate it. I know that sometimes I can stress things and overwhelm myself, but this is different. This isn't about science or trigonometry, this is about real life.

"OK," I don't need him, I don't even know him. I don't care. I look straight ahead,  trying my hardest not to focus on the problems I have to face. I just need to pull it together until I get away from him.  I've done it before.

"No!  How stupid can you be! " My dad powerfully backhands my mom.  She doesn't cry,  even though her body falls to the floor. She doesn't scream,  or fight back.

"Ok, " She gets up slowly, then grabs me in her arms taking me to my room. Once there, she sits me on my bed and shuts the door. Cautiously,  she lowers to her knees and let's it all out on my fluffy comforter. 

She stayed strong enough,  not to let him see her cry anymore. If she can, so can I.

"Are you OK?  You keep floating off in space." Zach asks concerned. 

I can feel tears start to trace the outline of my eyes, "I'm fine. Actually, " I stopped comprehending what I am saying after fine. Somehow I continue, " Could you take me home now? "

"What? " He shows clear confusion, " I didn't mean-" He pauses, so I finish.

"Take me home now. " I say one more time emotion less.

"If you want. " He stands.

After a 25 minute awkward drive,  we arrive at my house,  where I remember,  I don't have a key.

"I don't have my key,  or my phone. " I say getting out of the car. 

"You don't need a key,  " He gets out too,  "just a very smart person and a Bobby pin." He walks past me grabbing a Bobby pin from my hair, undoing my already messed up bun. He kneels down in front of the front door. 

I would make a joke about that but I'm trying to hold it together. After fiddling with the door for a minute,  it gives way to my front room and hallway. He stands up,  I never even realized that we were so close to each other.  He looks at me. Many things are engraved in his warm gaze,  but his mouth stays shut.  I can only imagine what he's thinking. His eyes stray away from me for a quick second then wander back to me. He breathes as intended to speak but I'm not interested. 

"Ok,  thanks.  Bye. " I start to walk in the house.  He slightly grabs my arm.

"If you need me,  just call. " He states heroically while handing me a card with his number.

"Ok." I say plainly. Then I watch him walk to his car and leave me. Leave me like everyone does.  I take 2 steps in the door and I slam it.  The neighbors probably heard it.  I slouch down to the floor and scream and cry. My life is a mess. And now I'm alone in my own mess of a life.  So I dealt with it like all the people on TV do.  I turn the radio up really loud, go into the kitchen,  and drink all the alcohol.

"Zach. Who needs him. Nellie whole needs her. All I need is jack and danielle.  Dan-daniels. " I slurr slouched over the kitchen island with the bottle next to me. 

"Where even are those two.  Nellie and Yessica. Probably somewhere not caring. With my vehhhhiic. With my car.  They don't even care.  They don't know. I need a donut. They are like burritos. Donut." I barely hear the knock on the door.  I turn down the music,  while going to answer it. 

"Adri? " The familiar face registers.

"Aunt Mock- Moo. Aunt Mauq?" I stumble over my feet and words.

"Wow, this is not good." She hugs me and then directs me into the house and up to my room.

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