Bailey and the not so truth

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"Fine I'm leaving. You can deal with her." Braden leaves the office.

"OK, well my parents are back in town and we need you to get your car." James calmly informs me. The car, which I would love to gladly go retrieve, is sitting on their property, where I would need a ride to from aunt Macq, who would wonder why my car is there and I would have to explain my past few days to her.

"I will need a ride to your house." I say skeptically. I don't like asking people for help. It makes me feel weak.

"OK, I'll meet you when the bell rings. " He says quickly like he'd just solved a rubrics cube.

"One more problem. Not to rub it in your face or anything, " I say cautiously, "but, I have rehearsals today."

"That's fine. I can wait for you. " James kindly offers.

"Ok, thanks so much. I'll see you later. " I say before turning to leave.

"Ok." James turns to the front desk.

I continue my day as usual, sitting in my last block. Awaiting the bell. You know, I didn't think it would feel this way. I may have overreacted, just a little, it is as normal as usual. Minus the dramatic irony, I kissed my best friend's boyfriend. My mind can't help but wander back to Zach. I don't know if I should be missing him or mad at him for leaving. I guess I'm a little of both.

"Don't pack up, you still have 3 minutes before the bell. So, as I was saying, they are two different equations.... " Mr. Ferch insists.

As I look over towards the door, me being one of the many students who started packing up, I see Yessica and Nellie waiting for me..... With Kole. Update on why this is so bad: Kole has my phone. I was thinking he was going to be at rehearsal, I could get my phone back then. How am I gonna get out of this one? They are gonna be suspicious of how he got my phone. I have 2 minutes to come up with a really good lie...........

The bell rings and I'm barely prepared to lie. What I put together in the 2 minutes is that he got it from the theatre teacher. Which is terrible. I slowly gather my things. A good, terrible idea flashes through my mind as Bailey Underwood, our arch nemesis, passes by my desk.

" Hey Bailey! " I scream.

"Why is it screaming at me? " She rolls her eyes, her signature move. She doesn't like me through association, to Nellie of course.

"Wanna help me? " I ask.

"Why would I do that? " She says folding her arms and turning away from me.

"It involves something that Nellie doesn't know yet. And I need you to be the bad guy. " I beg.

"I do like playing bad cop. " She unfolds her arms turning towards me slightly. The bell rings and we are officially dismissed. As the crowd fills all the empty space in the halls, I walk slowly to wait for the scene to be over. I needed to get Nellie and Kole apart.

"Kole, you were planning to call me, right? " Bailey seductively intersects Nel and Kole.

"What are you-" Kole starts confused.

"Don't," Nellie cuts off Kole and gets in position to stop Yessica, need be, "Why would my boyfriend call you? "

"Your boyfriend? Please, he's just my leftovers. " Bailey says smirking. People begin to stop and watch the 'show'.

"You better go somewhere else. These are my fighting shoes. " Yessica warning her clearly.

"Really, I thought they were your 'I slept with everyone on the team hooker heels'. " This is going too far. This wasn't the plan. And the gathering crowd, wasn't helping.

"Go away, you're obviously not wanted here Bailey. " Nellie says calmly holding onto Kole's arm.

"Well, Kole definitely didn't tell me to leave when he kissed need at the party in the photo booth. " Bailey smirks even more mischievous than before. Nellie looks up at Kole for an answer, as does the crowd of people lingering.

"I thought she was you." Kole starts defensively, as Nel drops his arm, tears beginning to pool into her eyes. She runs off, Yessica close behind. Bailey, satisfied, walks off with the crowd loudly riled up behind her. Kole stands there, He turns to face the lockers. I start out of the class, when he frustratingly begins to punch the lockers.

I let out a shriek, which doesn't stop him. The empty Hall just makes it louder. I walk up behind him, grabbing one of his fists before it comes in contact with the locker. It startles him at first.

"Do I know you? " He snaps, his attitude sharp and thick.

"Well, yes and no. I kinda know you from around and your aunt-" I babble confusing myself until he cuts over me.

"Did you see that too? " He asks unrelated to anything that I was going on about.

"Everyone did." I blankly stare at the floor. An awkward moment of silence pushes more tension.

"What do you want. " He says blunt and rudely.

Well less of your attitude, I think to myself, "My phone for one, and less attitude. You know, you have a special way of giving me reasons not to like you at all. "

He looks up at me in a moment of realization, "Sorry, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out my phone. "

I take it from his hands, "I was just about to tell her that I accidentally found a phone. " Kole smiles slightly.

"Well I would not do that if I were you. " I say quickly trying to cover my tracks, "the last thing she needs to hear about is you and another girl in a condensed space.

" Shut up! " His attitude makes a reappearance.

"Just saying. Thanks for my phone. See you in rehearsals." I say before making my way to the school auditorium. I see James waiting patiently with his black hair gelled back and to the right. His lips curled up into a smirk as I walk in. 

"Hey." He initiates.

"Hey," I return his greeting.

"I hope you don't mind if I stick around and watch.  I'm tired of watching my brother's wrestling match." He sits in one of the various empty seats.

"I don't mind." I smile genuinely.  I don't understand,  James has a reputation at school as a player,  which I could see how- he's sexy,  but I don't see why.  He seems so sweet,  I can't imagine him being a jerk.  His brother, on the other hand,  is captain of the wrestling and jerk team.

I walk onto the stage and we all begin warmups,  while trying to figure out where is Kole.

"Where is he?  We need him to rehearse." The crowd of students question Ms.B. I'm guessing none of them seen what happened.

"I don't know,  let's give him 5 more minutes." Ms.B makes excuses.

"I'll step in for him." James offers.

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