Chapter 2

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Picture of her "Mom"

Chapter 2

When I woke up, everything was blurry and I could see a few faces. Then my vision cleared and I could that really nice lady that took me home and a really cute boy.

"How are you doing?" The nice lady said.

'What happened?" I was really curious because all I remember was the lady taking me home from that other lady at the orphanage. I wonder who that boy is.

'Well when we came home from the grocery store you came in and fainted."

"Oh." Then it was really quiet and I didn't know what to say.

"Well, c'mon I want to introduce you to some people." But when she tried grabbing my arm,I flinched away because I was scared she was going to hurt me like the lady at the orphanage. I guess the nice lady was sad because she was about to walk away and said she would introduce me to them later. So I ran after her and told her why I was scared and she hugged me and said she was sorry

So she took me to a room where there was a whole bunch of people, including that really cute boy I saw earlier. They were all talking really loudly and some of them were looking at me, a few with clear disgust on their face.

"Everyone, can I have your attention?" I could tell she had alot of power, by the way everyone quieted down and how they were all looking at her straight in the eyes. "This little girl is my new daughter. She will be a new memeber of the pack and everyone will respect her. Am I clear?"

I heard muttered agreements. "So now that that is over, let's eat breakfast."

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