almost「 g 」

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"y/n, i'm serious you've to tell him before it's too late."
your best friend, b/f/n said to you.

"what do you mean? it's already too late! him and ethan are moving to los angeles tomorrow. i can't just be confessing my feelings for him one minute and the next minute i'm watching him walk away from me."

"you don't know, something good might happen. it's not too late. it's never too late."

you and the twins have been best friends for a long time. you guys were introduced by your moms who were also best friends ever since they were teenagers. you three instantly clicked since the beginning, you had realized that you had feelings for grayson a few months ago.
(me too but 3 years ago so square up.)

you decided that tonight at the family dinner, you would tell him. you didn't care if it ruins the friendship, all you care about was him knowing the truth.


you were almost done getting ready for dinner, but your phone had rang.

you looked at the contact name and it was grayson, you put down your mascara tube to answer the phone.

you said.

"y/n? it's grayson."
he said to you sounding out of breath.

"oh hey, yeah i'm just about done getting ready for the dinner tonight. i've something to tell y-"

"i'm so sorry, eth and i won't be able to make it to the dinner tonight. our flight has been moved last minute and we had to go."

"what? wait, so you're just leaving without saying goodbye."
you said to him as your voice cracked.

"look i'm sorry y/n. i didn't mean for this to happen, but don't worry we'll come back to visit in christmas."

you thought to yourself, that's six months. there was silence on the phone until ethan spoke up.

"hey y/n! it's ethan."

"hey ethan."

"hey, i'm sorry this has to happen. but i just wanted to say that you've been such a great best friend to us these past years. we don't know what we would do without you. you're the reason why this is all happening, the reason why we're finally getting to live our dreams! we love you so much, and we'll miss you a lot."

a tear ran down your face, and you closed your eyes trying to process all of this.

"i love you guys too. honestly. i never thought this would ever happen, but you've changed me to a better person. both of you. i can't believe this has to happen to us but everything happens for a reason."

you could hear ethan taking in a deep breath trying not to cry over the phone.

"i'll never forget you in a million years."

ethan handed grayson back the phone.
"hey um, yeah did you say you had to tell me something?"

it's now or never.

"yeah, i've something to confess."

"oh no did you break something of mine?"

"no what!"
you giggled while grayson let out a huge sigh, you could feel him smiling through the phone.

"okay wooh. what is it then love?"

"grayson, what i'm about to say might ruin our friendship. you know that right?"

"uh y/n, okay? you're kinda scaring me."

"grayson, i lov-"

you were cut off by a loud bang and a terrifying long screech. you would hear people yelling and sirens going off from a distance.

"grayson? ethan?"
you yelled on the phone.

"no no no, grayson grayson please."
ethan said screaming.

you yelled again on the phone.

ethan picked up the phone sobbing into it.

"what happened ethan?"
you said to him as you got out of the chair and held on to the doorknob.

"it's grayson, he's not brea-"

ethan's throat clogged up and he couldn't say anything. he choked on his words as he cried even more.

"y/n... he's dead."

you suddenly dropped your phone to the ground letting it shatter everywhere. you fell to the ground as your knees gave up, your whole body was numb and you felt like the world had stopped. the words that ethan had said to you was running through your head as you stared at the blank wall. you couldn't cry or scream, because you couldn't control your body. you felt trapped and all you could do this realize it was too late. you never got the chance to tell grayson how you felt about him and you never will be able to tell him.


imagines → dolan twinsWhere stories live. Discover now