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“Hello Elsa,” Jack said and smiled a bit.

Elsa jumped back in surprise when she saw how close he was.

“Wait, how do you know my name?” She asked a bit worried. If a stranger knew her name it might means that her home had put a bounty on her head.

Jack saw the trace of worry in her face and started to play around with a snowflake.

“Well you could say that a bird friend told me,” he then answered. 

In an instant Elsa looked sceptic on him and crossed her arms.

“A bird? Do you expect me to believe that you talk to birds?” 

Jack pretended for a bit that he had not heard her and kept on playing with the snowflake before he gave her a smile.

“Why not?"

“Because," Elsa said with her tone a bit raised. "Because that would be impossible.” Elsa said without hesitating. 

Jack let out a small laugh. He reached out his hand and touched her hair. A small daffodil made of ice took form.

“How can you believe anything is impossible after creating a castle out of thin air?” He said and smirked a bit.

Elsa touched the ice flower that now decorated her hair and thought that he had a point.

“What are you doing here? First time we met you did not know who I was. But now you know what kind of a monster I am,” she said and felt a bit worried about what answer was going to come out. 

Jack walked in circle around her pretending to not hear her as he kept on playing with the snowflake.

“Well... I came here to," Jack paused a bit, thinking for the perfect alibi. He held his other hand behind his back and secretly formed a snowball in it. "Declare a war! Snowball war!” he shouted and threw a snowball at her.

Elsa just stood there blinking for a moment in surprise.

"Come on, fight me. You just shut your door right at my face. And here I am to make you pay for it." Jack said with his head held high.

Jack got a bit worried that he might had done the wrong thing but then a snowball came flying towards him. 

Elsa seemed to has gotten into the mood for a snowball fight. She let a smile spread on her face.

Jack laughed a bit. He then threw a large snowball towards her but she protected herself with a small ice wall.

“Hey no cheating!” he said and started to throw more at her.

“You're the one flying!” she answered behind the wall and laughed.

Jack smiled widely and started to try to find a way to sneak around the wall.

Just as he thought he had found a good angle a pile of snow fell down on him from above.

“Hah, got you!” Elsa said triumphing. 

She walked over to him and held out her hand to help him up.

When he took it they both looked at each other in surprise with big eyes.

“It’s... warm,” Elsa said shocked.

“Yeah... it is...” Jack said also in shock and looked down on their hands. 

Suddenly a voice can be heard from downstairs.

"Elsa? It's me, Anna."

Elsa was taken aback and quickly let go of Jack's hand.

She got rid of the snows on her clothes. Without thinking any further, she ran toward the stairs.



Anna just can't believe her eyes seeing her sister again. "Whoa. Elsa, you look different."

Afraid she might have insult her sister, she quickly rephrase her sentence. "It's a good different." She then looked around the room, "And this place... It's amazing."

Elsa smiled unconsciously. "Thank you. I never knew what I was capable of."

Anna approached Elsa slowly. "I'm so sorry about what happened. If I'd have known..."

Realizing the situation, Elsa backed a bit. She doesn't want her sister to get any closer to her. "No, no, no. It's okay. You don't have to apologize, but you should probably go. Please."

Anna see that Elsa seemed a bit displeased about her visit. "But I just got here."

"You belong down in Arandelle."

"So do you." Anna doesn't want to just go back home without her sister.

"No, Anna, I belong here. Alone," she chuckled a little. "Where I can be who I am without hurting anybody."

"Actually, about that..." Anna was about to finish her sentence when suddenly another voice can be heard.


"Wait, what is that?" Elsa snapped.

"Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" said Olaf while running inside from the entrance.

Elsa trying to digest her mind while seeing a snowman running inside her castle. "Olaf?"

"Yeah. You built me." Olaf said happily. But seeing Elsa doesn't recognise him, he tried to reassure her. "Remember that?"

"And you're alive?"

Olaf replied stammering, "Um... I think so."

Elsa saw her hands, can't believe what she built had grown alive. 

"He's just like the one we built as kids." Anna threw in.

Elsa smiled while still looking at her hands, "Yeah."

Anna stared at Elsa from below the stairs while holding onto Olaf. "Elsa, we were so close. We can be like that again."

Hearing what Anna just said, Elsa's mind going blank thinking about what she did to Anna when they were little.

She gasps, "No. We can't. Goodbye, Anna." Elsa crossed her arms around her while she turned her back and walked away little by little.

Anna stood up and followed Elsa. "Elsa, wait." 

"No, I'm just trying to protect you." Elsa said while facing her back against Anna.

"You don't have to protect me. I'm not afraid." Anna stopped in her track, "Arandelle is in deep snow." she shouted miserably.

Elsa turned her head with her eyes bulged, "What?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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