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          The stop light stayed red for a whole whopping 5 minutes. Matt was griping the steering wheel as hard as he could, his knuckles were turning red. Susie was reapplying her lip gloss for the billionth time. And me, little old Macy was rubbing her hands over the leather seats in the back seat of Matt’s truck.

          The whole ride to school I was tempted to swing open the back door of Matt’s truck and jump out, and just walk to school. But here I am in Matt’s truck on the verge of going insane.

          Right as the light turned green my favorite songs have faith in me by a day to remember came on the radio. I instantly started singing the lyrics in the back seat.

          Matt looked at me though the mirror and said “You know this song Macy?” I stopped singing and replied “It’s one of my favs.” I then kept on singing and Matt joined in.

          Susie got a sour look on her face. She can’t stand a day to remember, so it must suck for her that her boyfriend likes them. Susie’s more into the Justin Bieber stuff.

          Once the song ended Susie said “Drop me off at the at the pharmacy that’s across the school.” No questions were asked and Matt silently pulled in to the pharmacy parking lot. Susie leaned over and gave Matt a long kiss. Then she popped open her door and sauntered inside.

          “Want to move up front?” Matt asked startling me. “Um… sure” I stuttered. Why did he want me to move up front? The school is only across the street. My heart started beating faster, anticipating what was to come.

          When we pulled into the school parking lot space, Matt cut the engine. I wait for him to unlock the doors and get out, but he didn’t.

          “So I’m guessing we should talk about what happened at the park.” Matt stated. I nodded my head and sat there silently waiting for him to continue.

          “So honestly Macy, the kiss yesterday meant nothing to me, and it was just one big mistake. I don’t even know why I did it. Like I said at the park, I really like Susie. So let’s just act like the kiss never happened. Let’s never speak of it again.” I nodded my head “Yes” in agreement.

          “I still want us to be friends Macy. I really like you as a friend.” Matt said with a smile on his face. “Well I’m looking forward to a lovely friendship.” I murmured. I honestly thought I was going to lose a friend or a sister today, but by the looks of it I’m keeping both.

          When me and Matt got out of his truck, we saw Susie prancing across the street towards us. All of three of us went to the schools coffee house. We sat around a table in the corner sipping our drinks laughing our head off, and having a blast.

          But out of the corner of my eyes I kept noticing everyone staring at us whispering. Did they know about me and Matt’s kiss? I could see I now, they would label me as the sister boyfriend snatcher.

          Then I remembered. Susie’s pregnant and everyone knows. Of course there talking. I was like the biggest news in our high school’s history.

          Suddenly the coffee house turned dead silent. Susie’s eyes turned into daggers, and her bottom lip started trembling. Something she does when she mad or nervous. I turned around to see a cute couple had just walked in holding hands.

          It was Brandon and Matt’s ex girlfriend, Jessica Louis. Everyone’s eyes were on Susie, waiting to see what she was going to do. Possibly murder Jessica? People even pulled the camera phones out.

Susie simply stood up, grabbed Matt’s hand and walked past the couple. “Baby killers.” Susie pronounced as she walked out the coffee house in a booming voice.

          And this day for all five of us was obviously just getting started.

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