Thirty-The End

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*Story told from 10 year old Samantha’s point of view

          “Samantha come on down stairs, there here.” My mom said as I tied a bow in my hair. Then I tossed a glance at the mirror, my long brown hair was up in a high pony tail, with a red bow that matched my cardinals soccer jersey (the team I play on), and dark skinny jeans. Ha, I’m bet I’m the best looking birthday girl right now!

          I stomped down the stairs to be greeted by a truck load of people. “Hi Susie, Drew, Brandon, Lisa, Macy, Matt, Andrew, and baby Victoria!” I chirped. I was so excited to have my family here. Well I guess my birth family. “Happy 10th birthday, Samantha!” They all cheered in unison. My smile grew miles wide.

          I looked at Susie. I pictured us I’m a family picture, Me, Susie, Drew, and baby Victoria. I’m my head we looked perfect together. I wonder what my life would be like If I lived with them. And then I looked at Brandon, and pictured our family picture, Me, Brandon, Lisa, and Andrew. We’d be a good looking family considering we all have the same beautiful brown hair. My mom doesn’t like me calling Susie and Brandon, Mom and Dad, she says it makes her “uncomfortable.”

          Its not that I don’t love my mom, dad, and my little brother Luke. I just wonder what my life would be like if I was never adopted. Luke and Andrew went into the living room, and played Luke game called cops and robbers. They looked so cute playing together. Luke and Andrew are both now 5 years old and are going to kindergarden. Actually they should be going to the same school!

          I went down the long line of people and gave those hugs and kisses. When I got to Macy, I could barley hug her. He stomach was bulging being pregnant with my cousin. “How much longer till he is born?” I asked rubbing her belly. “Only about one month left.” Matt chirped. You could see the excitement in Matt and Macy’s eyes. It was obvious they couldn’t wait to have their son. “What are you two going to name him?” My mom asked waling up behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders. “Well me and Matt both agreed on the name Nicholas.” Macy beamed.

          Matt and Macy are most definitely my favorite aunt and uncle. They are so funny and there so cute together. Macy told me the story about the M&M locket last month in a letter. It’s so romantic that she still wears it.

          I skipped into the living room where everyone was sitting. Susie handed baby Victoria for me to hold. Victoria’s my only sister so far, and the cutest baby I’ve ever seen.

          “I heard your soccer team won the championships for the region. Good Job!” Susie said smiling. Everyone nodded in agreement. “So you’re a natural at soccer just like Susie was I see. Susie used to be able to really kick some balls!” Brandon added. “I nodded my head and said “I feel free when I’m on the field. And when I make a goal I feel like I’m on the top of the world, and no one can bring me back down.” I replied.

          “I can still play amazing, Brandon. Maybe we should see who’s the real champion in the backyard later, Samantha.” Susie said chuckling. “You’re on!” I replied.

          “Time for cake!” My dad said bursting out of the kitchen. We all jammed around the tiny circular table. Everyone sang me happy birthday, and the candles lit up the room. The cake was my favorite, chocolate with vanilla icing. And considering my dad’s a chef, it should taste like heaven.

          “Make a wish sweetheart.” My mom murmured, rubbing my back. What could I possibly wish for? I have a great family, nice friends, and that’s all I really need. And then I knew what I was going to wish for.

          “I wish everything would stay this perfect.” I said in my head.

          Why wish for a pony, or even a new soccer cleats, when everything in life is so amazing?

          Then End of Over My Head(:

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