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My heart skipped a beat. I tried to keep my face still, despite being thoroughly shocked and anxious.


"You just said the name 'Damien' in your sleep, then woke up looking like you had just seen a horror movie." Jack told me. I attempted to seem confused.

"I have absolutely no idea who that is." I defended. To my surprise-and complete relief- they believed me, though they were confused at first.

"Oh. Um, ok? It's just that that's an oddly specific name to be that deep in your mind to where you'd say it in your sleep." I looked to the side and shrugged. Jack shrugged, too. I yawned.

"Oh, I'm sorry, do you want us to leave you?" Y/N politely asked.

"Honestly, yeah. Still tired." She nodded. "And burning." I jokingly added. She and Ethan smiled.

"Maybe you could try to stay asleep this time. I've heard that helps." Jack sarcastically informed me.

"Will do." I responded, likewise.

"Call is if you need anything." Ethan added lastly. I nodded. Y/N led them and they left into Jack's room.

I turned over so that I was staring at the blank backside of the couch, where no one could see my face. "Who was that woman?"

I just had to be alone with my thoughts for a while.


*Dark's POV*

I forced Mark out of his own dream.

"Only she called me that- only she... can call me that." I mumbled to myself. Tears were forming and my breathing deepened. I shook my head in hopes of shaking off my emotions.

I teleported out of Mark's mind and into a closed pub, grabbed a random case of beer, teleported to my bedroom, and tried to drown my suppressed sorrow in alcohol.

I sat down at my desk, trying with all of my being to think of something- anything else besides the painful memory Mark forced me to relive.

But to no avail.
I felt numb, but I could still feel myself shaking to the core and my heart pounding its way through my chest. My legs becoming heavier with each step, I slowly and mindlessly inched closer and closer to the fallen figure that lay before me.

When I finally reached the body, I shakily got on my hands and knees and stared at the body's face. Tears were flooding out of my eyes, but my breathing remained still and shallow.

One of my tears fell onto the body's cheek. I brought up my trembling hand and gently moved aside the locks of the victim's soft brown hair.

I didn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. It wasn't real. It could not be real.

But it was.

My heart felt like it had stopped pounding altogether. I couldn't bring myself to even blink. I took one final breath and dared myself to question reality and confirm that my eyes weren't deceiving me.

"M-My... Q.. Queen?" I managed to whisper amongst my quiet sobs.

I then heard something in the back of my mind. It was not spoken from my own psyche, rather someone else was speaking. It was all-too familiar to me to be anyone else's. It was a whisper. If I hadn't heard it a hundred times before, I surely wouldn't have recognized it then. It was the voice of an angel, the voice I had been accustomed to hearing on a daily basis. The voice that gave me comfort when I had lost everything.

Something happened that I didn't think was possible anymore. A tear found its way down my face. I wiped it away, leaned back, and gave a short, painful sigh.

"Why?" I questioned any divine being that would listen. "Why me? Why do the bad things only happen to me?"

I stared into nothing for a moment before returning to my senses.

"Why am I even worrying?" I assured myself, "Everything is going according to plan thus far." I set my drink down and tilted the framed photograph on the corner of my desk so I could see it. It was the only other photo of Serine I had. It was a drawing I had made of her the first week I knew her. I had drawn her wearing her long, wavy brown hair down, her bootcut jeans that looked a bit too baggy for her (all the better to help conceal her identity with in public), and her denim jacket, which she always wore a black tee-shirt with. She was holding her arms up, and with a speech bubble reaching from her mouth to the sky she was saying, "Damien + Queen." But Serine had wanted me to call her by her real name-no formalities-so I had crossed out "Queen" and replaced it with "Serine," so it read, "Damien + Serine." I had only drawn myself as a stick figure with a tuft of hair next to her- a detail she had encouraged me to add, so I had complied.

"I'm going to bring you back." I spoke to her through the drawing.

"We will be reunited again soon enough... My Queen."

"Torn Between Worlds"- A Markiplier and Jacksepticeye AUWhere stories live. Discover now