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*Jack's POV*

"He only told me yesterday that he was a Legendary, now he tells us he does mirroring? He's so advanced..." I wanted to be happy and excited for Mark, but instead I felt left out. My smile faded. "He's been capable of all these amazing things since the day he was born... but he's never bothered to tell me." My gaze fell to the table top in contemplation. "We've known each other for almost 10 years now- Heck, we've been living under the same roof for almost half that time. If that doesn't prove that I'm trustworthy... I don't know what would." I saw Y/N looking at me out of the corner of my eye, so I looked over to her.

"You ok?" She asked. My eyes shifted to the side to avoid eye contact. I got up and started walking to my room. "Jack?"

"I need a minute." I said without looking back and closed the door.

*Y/N's POV*

I looked at Jack as he entered his room and shut the door. My gaze then fell to Mark, whose facial expression showed that he was surprised, yet sad, but also that he saw this coming. He closed his eyes and frowned in a "Yep, should've seen this coming." way. Things had taken a turn really quickly.

"I'll go talk to him." Ethan offered. Mark looked to him, powered down Ethan and himself, and nodded. Ethan made his way to Jack's room.

*Ethan's POV*

Knock, knock, knock. I opened Jack's door to find him sitting on his bed holding his head in his left hand, lost in thought. He glanced over to me for a second before looking away again.

"This isn't because of you, if that's what you're wondering." He said without looking up.

"Are you sure?" He looked up at me, closed his eyes, and sighed. He cocked his neck away from me to invite me to sit down with him, so I did.

"I understand why Mark trusts you. You guys have been friends almost as long as you've been alive; meanwhile, I've known him for almost a decade. But I just..." He limply slapped his hands on his thighs. "I don't understand why he wouldn't tell me sooner. He says he doesn't like being the center of attention. That's ok, that's fine. But keeping it from me like this... if his brother hadn't come along, I doubt he ever would have told me." I nodded.

"I understand where you're coming from, but maybe I could shed some light on what Mark was like after his parents died. He was quiet, reclusive, didn't like to do much. He was only ever just there, another body in the room-not much else. What struck me as odd, though, was that I had never seen him cry aside from the very first day he arrived at our house. You'd expect a child to cry for his mother during the storms, or for his father when he gets hurt. But no, he was silent. I'd definitely say that he was depressed for a major part of his life. He barely even smiled during his birthdays. But when he announced to us that he was moving in with you... he seemed genuinely happy for the first time in years. Maybe it was because he was excited for a change in lifestyle, or maybe it was because he had finally found a friend he could count on for the rest of his days." Jack looked at me stunned, and his eyes were looking glossier than they were earlier. He rubbed them and sighed again.

"All the more reason why he should have told me, then..." I had to think for a moment.

"If there was a huge concert in town, and you just got the one-and-only last ticket to it, would you tell your friends all about a concert that they can't go to?"

"Um, no?" He was confused.

"Maybe that's how Mark feels. He doesn't want to boast to others about his abilities in case they get jealous or put down." He made eye contact with me, but quickly turned away again. "Hey..." I patted his back a couple times, and he turned around again. A lone tear trailed out of his right eye. I brought my hand up and motioned my index and middle finger in a 'come here' swipe in the air. The tear floated off of his face and levitated in my palm. I pointed my finger up and toward me, and the tear rose up and became one with my hair. Jack stared at me. I opened my arms a little bit, and Jack embraced me in a hug.

"Thank you." He said with a steady voice.


*Jack's POV*

All my doubts about Ethan vanished into thin air after that talk. We exited the room, and I went straight over to Mark.

"Listen, I'm sorry-"

"It's alright, I completely understand where you're coming from. It hurt me to keep it from you just as much, if not more, than it hurt you when you thought I probably couldn't trust you. That is not the idea I have of you."

"I know, and I, also, understand why you did what you did." He nodded. I brought my hand up for a shake, and he accepted, adding a quick hug after it.

Life can be good.

"Torn Between Worlds"- A Markiplier and Jacksepticeye AUWhere stories live. Discover now