Chapter 5: Best Actress

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Peyton. Who is she really? It was told that it was Avery's imaginary friend that she made. She looks exactly like her, but with different personalities. Even the aura speaks for itself. But now, I guess Avery will be Peyton at school. Well kind of, just to maintain the publicity act and save her for gossiping and backlashes. Then, she would be Avery without any personality problem at home but will be the true Avery with Ione. So, we'll see how long can she survive.


"Mom! I'm going to school now. Bye!" she said as she heard Ione honking in front of their house.

Her mom nodded, but with a lot of confusion. First, she is wearing a nice fit baby blue mini dress with little shape fitting on the waist. It hugs her body beautifully but not too much to look so progressive in school. Second, she said goodbye with a big smile and a comfortableness within. Lastly, a car honks in front of them suggesting that someone is taking her to school. It's not her dad because they separated way before Avery was even 11, or bus driver because she hates to ride it with a bunch of kids either playing with their paper planes or just sticking bubble gums beneath the seats. Not even a random stranger. It was a guy. NOT JUST ANY GUY. A charming, hot looking and out of her league guy. It doesn't mean that she doesn't have confidence for her daughter, it's just that it's very unusual. 

Her mom looks at them from the window, hiding just to make sure that her daughter won't be abducted or anything. But more on hiding for a mere fact that she is so excited to see who brings her daughter such a big smile. She is picking with only one eye to be not be noticed but quickly turn away because she made eye contact with the mysterious handsome guy.

"Don't tell me mom is looking in the window ?" Avery said to Ione as she is about the ride in the car.

"That is so accurately true. But you miss the most important detail. She only used her one eye." Ione replied with a smirk. Like he intentionally does so to make Avery blush.

"Just so you know, that smirk didn't make me blush.  It isn't working. It's more like a blush of embarrassment from my mother and not the other way around. " 

"So defensive. Don't worry, I won't bite. But we will be late so hop on." 

It was not that long drive but Avery was really nervous. It was like yesterday when she is unnoticeable in public. She had this quiet environment and nothing bothers her. But now, on what had happened -the Peyton scandal - it all turned out really messy and publicize. She doesn't know how to act consistently without being again the headline.   The dress' fitting is not helping her anxious heart. Her breathing is the only sound that is audible in the car.

The whole trip she is thinking about how will she act like a different person but it should be looking normal. She didn't notice the fact that they were already at the parking of their campus.

" Are you nervous?" Ione asked.

"Is it that obvious? " Avery replied.

" It looks like you're a dolphin choking in the sea. If that isn't obvious, I don't even know how to describe it," he said holding his laughter from Avery's sound orchestra.

" Well, it all came so fast so I don't know how to act now," she said with a deep sigh.

" Okay, we have a few minutes left. We can talk about it. What bothers you now?"

" Ummm... How will I act? How did Peyton act? What does this dress have that it forbids me from breathing? What are we? What boundaries do we have? Will you take away my precious not even touch velcro I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO BE A GIRLFRIEND. IT'S MY FIRST TIME -BEING A GIRLFRIEND - FAKE OR REAL... Wooh." she said panicky like she was about to eat by a crocodile or something and that was her last words to the world. Ione shocked and on the process absorbing all of that.

"Woah. Didn't expect that to happen. Okaayyyy where will I start? And what do you mean you didn't have past boyfriends? "

"I don't have any romantic relationship with anyone. I just stay at home and I loved my life back then. Now, it's the opposite of all the comfort that I have." she said looking the sky in the window while she remembers every bit of what she misses so much. Ione still can't move on for the fact of Avery having no experience in romantic scenarios while she kisses the hell out of his lips.

"Not even summer fling?"




" Holding hands ?"

" Is holding my lab partner  when he was about to mix the wrong chemical in science chemistry included in this question?"

"No, it's not Avery. I can't believe it."

"Why are we focusing on my dating status? Can you at least explain to me what am I going to do?" frustratingly she said. "We are going to be late if we don't talk about it sooner or later."

"You made out of me really good. I'm kind of digging it. " Ione murmured. "What did you say, Ione?" she said curiously but debunked by Ione's wisdom of words distracting her to the secret message. "Listen, Avery. the kiss doesn't define your entire personality. Just act normal. Not you're normal, but normal enough to not look fake. In public, we are couples so internalize those feelings we need to acquire as A.K.A couples." Ione said directly looking at Avery while holding both of her shoulders to show encouragement.

"Act you are in love with me. But just act. But be still yourself when you're around me and not noticeable by public eyes." he added.

"Okay. That helps. Just please save me from embarrassment. " Avery's words after calming.

"Good. Now, we need to get out now because some people are suspecting things and we are going to be late." Ione said as he then gets out of his car.

He first got out and open the door for Avery. The first steps of Avery out of a car is the steps of the act. The start of the never-ending ride.

Ione wrapped his around  Avery's waist. She was shocked but she can't remove it now because many people are looking now. She just stands straight and with confidence. Every step of her is a flick of attention to all

"Is that the girl? "

"She is gorgeous!!!"

"They look so cuteeeee!! That is the reason for the kiss last time. Now we know!"

" Her name is?" said the girls in the hallways spreading gossips like a virus. Avery heard them asking what her name was.

"It's Avery Gray," she said then she puckers her lips and slowly flips her lips as they pass by them. The girl squealed and they are head over heels with the new queen bee. Avery, on the other hand, is still nervous but happily contented that she nailed that line that she was inspired on. She got it from 13 going 30 and she is looking for another opportunity to use beyotch now.

"You know what, you really are gorgeous. I'm so lucky my hands are in your waist right now ." Ione said while making eye contact with Avery. The eyes are enough to melt any girl but Avery just answered, " Thank you, but the holding in the waist gives the dress more the chance to forbid my breathing." and they both giggle.


Please forgive me for not updating FOR 2 YEARS. Even I was really sad to see how I lost my interest in this but now I regained my love and passion about writing. I have decided to have this as the outlet of my wandering mind. And will be my ground of development 💕 Thank you still for being part of my journey 💕💕


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