Now and then

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As the time passes. People come and go. Some stays with us. Others just some left scars.

What matters the most? I was in thought. Those people who left us that gave us lessons or those who stayed?

When someone left, its either we taught them a lesson or they taught us something. And those who stayed are the ones who are real. The ones we should be thankful for.

Our life is like a stairway up to our summit, filled with doors in every floor. As we reach one, the door opens. But if it closes, some other doors will open. And its all up to us if we'll go grab the chance or miss it.

Every now and then, we meet people, we make friends. Fake or for real. And we lost some to. We laugh, cry, fall inlove, got a broken geart, act so childish, grow, learn, got embarassed, expect upon things, got enraged, blissful and so much more....

But no matter what happen, be thankful. Just remember, everything happens for a Reason. Always with a reason. And sometimes, just sometimes, that we might not understand HIM but God always have ways for us. Just believe.

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