A beautiful nightmare

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Unfamiliar house, unfamiliar wallpapers, unfamiliar hallways, unfamiliar bedrooms, unfamiliar faces, unfamiliar voices, everything is unfamiliar.

Or just so I thought?

I was with my love. Holding her hands inside my pocket. Afraid to lose her in the sea of the crowd.  We are here. In a place somewhere far and unfamiliar. But she seems happy. She smiles a lot. And so do I.

We've been through a lot. We had so many arguements that leads us to some fights, problems and challenges we surpass that we can barely count. And moments we treasure.

"Babe?" She called me. I looked at her and said "Yes baby?"

"I gotta tell you something. Its so important." She said. She looks uncomfortable. I hugged her.

"Its that, I don't want to continue this shit. I don't love you. I didn't loved you at all."

She ran toward someone. Let me guess. Someone she truly loves. And that's not me now. Never at all.

But when I saw her smile.... 

A heart warming smile that I didn't ever see...

Those eyes that sparkles.....

Yes it is heart breaking. She was mine. My princess. My queen. My everything.  And I, I was nothing for her. But seeing her smile like that. Makes me happy.

After all I love her so much. And when she is happy, I am as well.

- - -

"Babe! Babe! Wake up. You're crying. Why?" She asked me.

I was in my deep sleep. Dreaming. A beautiful nightmare.

I looked at her. "Do you want to know?" She nodded.

" I loved so much.
I loved you so much.
      - to the point that I can even get myself hurt by my feelings, my own love."

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