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Every day, as I woke up, I always feel heavy. Like there's something I need to know but I tend to forget.

I wish it was just a nightmare.
But something in me tells me otherwise.

I know there's something more. But what is it? What exactly is it.

One morning. I found myself crying. I am not hurt nor happy. I don't feel anything. I don't know how to feel.

I saw someone in my dream. More likely a memory being rewinded in my sleep.

It's him.

The man I loved the most. The man I treasured. The man that made me believe in forever and the magic that love can give.

"Hey Lizzy. Ghad why are you cryin' baby?" Someone asked in my door.

"Nah I'm fine. Just a bad dream" I replied.

"Danny! Love! We're gonna be late honey" a girl called out.

"Comin' baby!" He replied then looked at me. "Hey we'll be right back okay?"

"I know. Hahaha goodluck lovebirds!" I choked out.

- - -

Now its all coming back.

It surely is him.

The man of my life, Filled my heart with joy and pure love. The man I thought would be my first and my last.

The man who broke my heart for the first time. Until now.

But then he's happy.

Loving my Best friend.

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