Chapter Twelve

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Jydon heard dramatic sobs behind her. Her heard heart softened a little bit as she turned around to observe the pathetic display of hysterics before her. She knew rage wasn't going to get her what she wanted in this moment.
    Clearing her throat, she sat down beside the young woman.

"Miss, I'm going ot have to ask you a few questions." Jydon said gently.
    "Who are you?" The woman sobbed, tears soaking her face.
"I'm a Jedi and I need your help, or someone else is going to die." Jydon told her. She took the woman by the arm and carefully pulled her to her feet and guided her out of the club and into the street. She recalled how Hena addressed the children, how friendly she was.
    "I can't believe he is gone." She woman took a shaking breath, a little calmer than before. "I loved him."
    "I'm sorry,-"
"Loo." The woman sniffed. "Loo Skiil." Jydon got a good look at her face, it was human, very pretty, Loo was barely older than Jydon.
Jydon addressed her solemnly. "Like I said, I need to ask you a few questions about Dack."

    Loo nodded and wiped her eyes with heavily manicured hands.

"Did you know your boyfriend was helping a man by the name of 'Bel Trevv', run a drug cartel?"

    Loo nodded frantically and her voice broke. "Yes, but he said he was going to leave it all for me! We were going to get off this planet and start a family!" Her eyes welled with tears and she started sobbing again. "Now he's dead. What am I supposed to do?!" she wailed.
    "Did you know anything about what Dack and Trevv did?" Jydon asked next. "Anything about where they kept their drugs or the antidotes?"
    "Oh-" Loo stammered, she shifted and something pricked in the back of Jydons mind. "Um, n-no, I don't. He was very secretive about it all."
Jydon's eyes narrowed slightly as she watched Loo squirm.
"Are you sure?" Jydon asked, slyly scanning the woman as she spoke, "You two seemed pretty close when I saw you."
"Listen, I need to go, I have to-"
Loo turned and Jydon saw a glint of steel in the street lights.
    "What's that in your belt, Loo?" She asked coldly.

The girl whirled around and started to run, Jydon followed in pursuit. Loo swerved in and out of crowds until Jydon chased her down an alleyway, cornering her.

    "I don't want any trouble!" Loo cried.
"Then give me the needle in your belt!" Jydon demanded. Loo reached into her belt and grasped the syringe in her fist, preparing to smash it on the ground, Jydon was faster. She reached out with the force and grabbed the needle out of Loo's fingers, it soared over to her and she glanced at it for a moment, traces of a liquid ran inside the glass case and there was blood on the needle. The murder weapon, and evidence of the drugs lethality. Jydon drew her lightsaber, it glowed brilliantly in the darkening surroundings.

    "You killed your own boyfriend." Jydon said in disbelief.
"I didn't have a choice!" Loo screamed, more tears running down her face. "He cheated on me! I wanted revenge! He told me we would be together forever!"
    "Turn around." Jydon ordered, pulling a pair of cuffs off her belt. She cuffed the girl and punched a code into her comm, quickly she alerted the authorities before she took her final moments with the girl to frisk her. There was no antidote on her.
    Jydon was running out of time.

"Listen, Loo." She said quickly. "I can put in a good word for you if you tell me where the antidote is. You know what I'm talking about, I know you know where it is."
    Loo stopped crying for a moment to reply.
"It's in my boot." She choked. "I was hoping I could sell it for enough credits to get me a ship out of here."

    Jydon bent down as the police pulled up, sure enough, she pulled a small bottle out of Loo's left boot. She tucked it into the small pouch on her belt and handed Loo over to the droids, informing them of the body at The Dancing Lady. Before she headed back to the temple, she couldn't help but feel a tad sorry for Loo. She watched the woman get shoved into the speeder, droids on both sides before they soared into the air and out of sight.

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