Kankuro of the Desert <3

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Name: Ari no Akasuna
Family: Chiyo and Sasori, her mom died giving birth to her.
Friends: Temari

How you met-
I was working on a puppet one day when Granny Chiyo came in with a man and three kids around my age.
“Hey granny, who’re they?” I asked not looking up as I added a new weapon.
“This is team Baki, they’re going to Konoha for the Konoha invasion.” She answered.
“And you want me to go as well.” I said as I lifted my puppet up and hung it on the wall.
“Exactly.” The Sensei said.
“And why would I want to?” I asked as I looked in a cabinet for a poison I was waiting for to get a certain stage.
“Because it’s what your father would’ve wanted.” Chiyo said.
I stopped rummaging and sighed.
“Whatever.” I said as I took out one of my specialties and set it on the table.
“This will be your team, Temari, Kankuro and Gaara.” The sensei said.
How he told you-
After the failed invasion we all went back home but a couple of months later Kankuro, Temari, Gaara and I were called upon to help Konoha, I got in a fight with a guy with six arms, I got really injured and nearly died, when I was able to come to Suna, Kankuro ran up and hugged me when I walked through the gates then kissed me which I was surprised about.
“Uh…sorry…” He said uneasily.
“Meh, don’t worry about it, you’re a good kisser.” I said which made him grin.
How it happened-
It was after Gaara was brought back from the Akatsuki, his fiancé Kyoki practically cried when he woke up, actually she did and Kankuro sniffled.
“Are you crying?” I asked.
“Nope…got something in my eye.” He said turning away.
That night at home I forced Kankuro to leave Kyoki and Gaara on their own and dragged him to my place.
“Are you ok?” He asked.
“…They killed my dad.” I said as I looked at my reflection in the bathroom.
Kankuro came up behind me and hugged me from behind.
“I know it had to be done, but it still hurts. It’s like when I found out I’m the reason my mom died.” I said.
“Women die giving birth all the time Ari, it’s not your fault.” Kankuro soothed.
“But that’s the thing, what if I got pregnant and died giving birth to my kid and they felt the same way I do?” I asked.
“Then I’d tell them everyday that their mom loved them regardless if she was alive or not.” Kankuro murmured as he kissed my neck tenderly.
“You want kids don’t you?” I asked.
“Mmhmm.” He murmured as he turned me around, picked me up and took me to the bed.
How you found out-
I woke up one morning and felt sick, I ran to the toilet and threw up, soon Kankuro was next to me holding my hair and rubbing my back.
“You ok?” He asked.
“Yeah, just sick.” I said as I started to brush my teeth.
“Hey, isn’t this what Kyoki went through?” Kankuro asked which made me turn to him.
“I think I should take a test just to be sure.” I said.
Kankuro agreed then headed to the store, I did as the instructions said then waited in the bathroom with Kankuro, the test was in the sink in between us, when it finally went off we both sort of lunged for it and kind of tackled each other to the floor and fought to get it first, in the end I did and ran out the door.
“Well, what does it say!?” He asked from the floor.
I turned it over and planted on a sad face even though inside I was cheering.
“It’s positive.” I said as I got rid of the sadness and grinned then ran up to Kankuro, jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist.
It turns out Kyoki got pregnant after their wedding so by the time I was 6 months she was about 1 month so if she needed help with anything I was always only a phone call away.
“Yeah of course pickles and peanut butter tastes good.” Kyoki said over the phone to me.
“Really? That sounds disgusting.” I heard Gaara say in the background.
“Say hi to Panda-chan for me.” I grinned.
“Ari said to say hi.” Kyoki said.
“I heard her.” Gaara said in an annoyed voice.
“Hey Ari I think you pissed my husband off big time.” Kyoki laughed.
I laughed as well but then stopped when I felt something run down my leg.
“Hey, Ari are you ok you went all quiet.” Kyoki said.
I stepped back and looked down.
“Oh shit.” I murmured.
“What!? What’s wrong!?” Kyoki asked in a scared tone.
“I think my water just broke.” I said amazed.
“OH MY GOD REALLY!?” She screamed on the phone.
“Yeah, I think so…” I said.
Then the realisation hit me.
“Oh shit!” I shouted.
“Okay just breathe! Breathe with me ok!? Do that Hee-hee-hoo thing or whatever that you see on TV!” Kyoki exclaimed.
I rolled my eyes and told Kyoki to meet me at the hospital.
“Ok, how am I gonna get there?” I asked myself.
“Ari!” I turned and saw Gaara standing at the door.
“That was quick.” I said.
Gaara smirked and used his sand to teleport us to the hospital, when we got there I saw Temari rushing around.
Kankuro made it just in time to help me with the pain, we ended up having a little boy which we named Sasori, later we had a little girl name Karura and finally another little girl named Emiko, after my mom

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