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Once again she thought, will he ever like me? as she sat on her fluffy carpet in her bedroom on a Sunday night. Probably not.

  Everyday, thirteen year old Brooklyn Beige would suffer as she would have to sit behind Lucas Bennett, the school's hot boy, people would say. Why is it a suffer to sit behind the most gorgeous boy in school? Brooklyn has had the biggest crush on him ever since they were seven, and he knows it. That my friends, was a bad thing for a thirteen year old. I mean, who would like a quiet girl right?

  She was afraid that her presence around him would make him hate her forever. Brooklyn would tuck her hair behind her ear every ten to twenty seconds when she's around him. Gosh, she even pretended to talk to Farting Garrett, who had no idea why she suddenly wanted to ask about the smell of chairs, when he turned around. Brooklyn was afraid she was too ugly and annoying for him. Surely, that's what every girl would think when they're around their crush right? That's what Brooklyn thought.

  Tomorrow was another day at school and Brooklyn doesn't know whether to feel excited or sad. To her, this was normal. It happens every weekend!

  "Brooklyn you better be sleeping, stop texting your friends!" Her mother shouted from the living room that was just below her.

  "I'm not on my phone mum!" Why do parents these days always think their child is either texting or on social media? How was she going to sleep if her mother wouldn't stop bothering her?

  Her butt was starting to ache so she decided to plop her self onto her comfy looking bed but at the same time not-so-comfy. She stared at her ceiling where a mural was painted. She thought, we'll have a real conversation one day. And soon, drifted to sleep.


  Brooklyn walked through the entrance looking unhappy. But it's school, who doesn't look like that? Sad, miserable, etc. But her face lit up when she saw the one and only Lucas standing at his locker a few feet away from her. She noticed he got a new hair cut, which indeed made him look cuter than he usually is. He was laughing at something his friend said. When Lucas spotted Brooklyn staring, she immediately shifted her eyes elsewhere, looked down and continued to walk.

    Why is it so hard to get you off my mind? She thought. Why on earth would Brooklyn fall in love with a brat? Maybe it was all the cliché books she read during the summer holidays that made her like him even more.

  And then, as she reached her locker, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

  "Hey, Brooklyn?"

  Brooklyn frozed. She'd recognise that voice anywhere! "Hi, Lucas."

  Lucas cleared his throat, "Uh, I think you—"

  Brooklyn quickly took her books out and ran away. She kept her head down, her heart was beating so fast it would probably jolt out of her body.

  "—dropped your pen."

  Lucas stood there as he watched Brooklyn storm off. His best friend Sean patted his back and said, "It's alright man, maybe she's just shy. Actually, it's quite obvious she's shy. Do I really have to tell you everyday that there are many fish in the sea!" Sean sighed, "I've actually been meaning to ask you, why her?"

  "Why her?" Lucas repeated.

  "Yes my dude."  He sighed, "Why her?"

  As for now, Brooklyn doesn't know Lucas Bennett may have a heart of change.


  During the summer holidays, Brooklyn never really had any friends, except maybe Diana. Diana was kind enough to actually hang out with Brooklyn, even though she didn't really have anything to talk about.

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