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  "Oh my god, Lucas." Sean covered his ear, "Yeah, in two days."

  "How come I never knew this? I gotta tell her before she leaves then." Lucas got ready to barge out the door, but Sean immediately pulled him back down.

  "Slow down, Romeo." He said, "Find a way first."


  Brooklyn placed down her pen as she finished writing her letter to Lucas. She was worried maybe this letter would make him hate her even more.

  "It's been seven years Brooklyn," She spoke, "Just give up already. He doesn't like you."

  But what if he does? She thought.

  "No, he doesn't and that's that." She sealed the letter and tossed it on her bed.

  "Brooklyn! Help me pack these boxes!" Her mother shouted from below.

  "In a minute!" She shouted back. Before Brooklyn went out, she took a good look at her room, looking satisfied.

  All her books were in a box in one corner. Her clothes were packed in another box stacked on another. Practically the whole room was filled with boxes, with no sign of furniture except for her bed.

  A sad smile appeared on her lips, "I'll miss you, bedroom."


  Today was Brooklyn's last day of school before she moves.  Of course, Brooklyn hated going here, but then again, she's made so many memories.

  "I'll miss you Diana." She hugged Diana tightly before she walked home.

  Diana smiled. "I'll be there tomorrow to see you leave alright?"

  "Sure." Brooklyn waved goodbye as Diana walked home.

  "Hey, Brooklyn."

  Brooklyn turned around, and was startled when her first love pulled her into a tight hug.

  And that's how Brooklyn died.

  Not literally.

  "Lucas? You're really... Crushing me."

  "Oh sorry." He pulled away, "Can I walk you home?"

  Brooklyn's eyes widened, was her hair okay? Did she look weird? Oh who cares, "S-Sure."

  The next five minutes of walking home became super awkward when the two were together. "So you're moving tomorrow?" He asked, trying to start a conversation.

  "Yeah, I'll miss this place. A lot."

  He laughed, "I'd miss it too if I were you."

  "So I heard you and Amy broke up?"

  "Yep, just not my type I guess."

  She raised an eyebrow, "So why did you date her in the first place?"

  Lucas didn't want to tell the truth, but he didn't want Brooklyn to think he was some player either.

  "I don't know..."

  "Oh." Brooklyn felt disappointed. Maybe he doesn't have a heart after all. "We're here."

  A small smile formed into Lucas's lips. "I'll miss you."

  She returned the smile, "Me too."

  "You should definitely smile more often." He said. "It looks good on you."

  Did he actually just say that? "Thanks."

  Brooklyn didn't know whether to leave now or stay a little longer and give him the letter, she chose option number one.

  "Uh, Brooklyn wait." He grabbed her by the hand, pulling her back.


  "I need to tell you something."

  Oh what's the point? She's moving away and probably never ever going to see him again. "Me too. Well actually, I wrote it down," She passed the letter, "So you can read it later."

  "I will." He smiled that gave Brooklyn butterflies in her stomach. "I just wanted say... I'm sorry we didn't really get to know each other or had a real conversation together. You wanted to know the reason why I dated Amy? It's because I was distracting myself from you. And I uh..." He scratched his neck, meaning he was nervous, "To be honest, I'm just gonna say it straight. I like you Brooklyn. As in, like, like."

  And once again, Brooklyn died right on the spot. Not literally.


  "You don't have to say anything," He said, "Just wanted to let you know. I hope we'll meet again in the future." And just like that, he left a shocked Brooklyn.


  Lucas sat in his bedroom, wondering if he did the right thing. He stared at the letter, and a few seconds later, ripped it open.

  "Why not right?" He took a deep breath before reading it.

*Dear, Lucas*

Hey, it's the quiet girl who sits behind you in class.
  You probably already knew this, but I've liked you since I was seven. Maybe you did, maybe you didn't. I just needed to let this out.
It's literally impossible to get you off my mind. I know, you liked Amy and all, but maybe behind that perfect soul is a cold hearted one, not to be rude or anything.
I'm a nobody to you, I'm just a girl who walks down the halls with her head down low, afraid to meet your eyes.
I've understood now, that you will never be mine. And that's fine, really.
I'm just, broken inside? I guess.
But it's alright, you see. I'll find someone in the future, and you will too.
Just know, you're my first love,
and always will be.

Love, Brooklyn

  Lucas realised he had a tear in his eye. He quickly wiped it off, and smiled. She really was one special girl.

  Even if Brooklyn wasn't his first love, she was his biggest crush.

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