l a s t l o v e

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  "Can I get a flat white, please?"

  The barista smiled "Sure. Name?"


  "Nice. We'll call you when your drink is ready."

  I nodded and made my way to an empty seat by the window. My favourite seat. I get a view of the streets here.

  My phone rang, startling me a little. "Hello?"

  "Miss Beige?" My assistant spoke, "Do you still want me to post pone the meeting to four?"


  "Brooklyn." The barista called.

  "I gotta go Angie." I said, "Make sure to confirm it with everyone else." I went to pick up my drink, when some idiot nearly spilled his drink all over me.

  "Woah!" I said, barely missing the spilled coffee.

  "Oh shit, I'm sorry." The man snatched some tissue from the counter and tossed it to me.

  "It's alright, I've got an extra office shirt in the car anyway." I said, wiping the stain that was definitely not coming off no matter how much I wipe it.

  "Is this your coffee?" He said, grabbing my cup, "Here."

  "Thanks," I said, recieving my cup, when suddenly it didn't wanna move. Not meeting his eyes, I asked, "Uh, can I have my coffee now?"


  I laughed, "That's me."

  "Brooklyn Beige?"

  My eyes finally met his, and shivers went down my spine. "Lucas?" I didn't know how to react, I automatically hugged him. It was so hard to meet an old friend in such a huge city. He was wearing a fancy suit too.

  Lucas returned the hug and laughed, "You look so different now, I didn't even recognise you."

  For some weird reason, I may have teared up a little, "I could say the same to you."

  Puberty hit him like a truck.

  "Look at you now," His smile widened, "You're smiling!"

  I laughed, "C'mon we should catch up."



  And so, Brooklyn's first love, may also become her last.

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