I wonder...

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“Where were you?” Closing the front door I proceeded to kicking off my shoes and tossing my bag onto the ground.
“Glad to see you too England. How was your day?” I drawled sarcastically in response.
Standing up straight I stared him in the eyes. Damn, I wish I had beautiful emerald eyes like him. Lucky bastard.
“Answer the damn question.” He demanded, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. I let out a tired sigh.
“I got bored so I decided to take a walk. Does that answer your question?”
“Glad I could help.” I mumbled under my breath before walking around him and heading off towards my bedroom.
“And where are you going?” He called after me, his voice carrying a trace of annoyance.
“To my bedroom mom.” I yelled back before slamming my door shut. Sauntering over to my dressed I flung open a drawer and picked out a pair of pajamas before grabbing a speaker and my iPod. Pausing for a second I strained my ears to see if England was going to try and kill me. Nope. I smiled to myself. At least he seemed a little happier, well, about as happy as England can be. Old mans always grouchy.
Letting out a loud yawn I made my way over to a door that lay on the left wall of my bedroom. Opening it up I spotted the large bathtub that was pushed into the right corner. “Bingo.”
Turning on the water I started to fill the huge tub up with steaming water and bubbles. Lots of bubbles.
Once it was full I stripped off my clothes and slowed eased into the relaxing water.
“This is the life.” I sighed with a smile. I had hooked up the speaker while the tub was filling so that I could listen to my iPod while chillaxin in the bathtub. My favorite song started playing and I perked up at the sound. And no, it wasn’t Marukaite Chikyuu. It’s actually a song in English. *le gasp!* Of course, as any normal teenager would do, I sang along.

Knocking on the door several times England didn’t get a response. Out of curiously and slight worry he opened the door and carefully stepped in. Looking around he saw that Elizabeth wasn’t in here.
“I swear, I saw her enter so where is she...” Talking to himself he suddenly heard loud music playing. Following the sound to where its source was he stopped in front of a door.
“Elizabeth-?” He started but stopped when he heard someone singing.
“I used to rule the world,
Seas would rise when I gave the word,
Now in the morning I sleep alone,
Sweep the streets I used to own.”
He caught his breath at the sound of the voice. Was that really Elizabeth? The girl that can’t take life seriously? The girl who yelled ‘This is Sparta’ before kicking a boy in his groin? Obviously, England couldn’t believe it because she sounded like an angel. An angel from heaven who happened to be singing an English song. After a while of standing there stunned he realized that she had finished singing the song and another one had started playing.
He let out a tired sigh and turned to leave before he stopped again dead in his tracks. She had started singing the new song and blast it all it was yet another English song. So how could he resist? Taking a step closer to the door he leaned up against it and slid down until he sat on the floor.
“Hey Jude, don’t make it bad,
Take a sad song, and make it better,
Remember, to let her into your heart,
Then you can start, to make it better.
Hey Jude, don’t be afraid,
You were made to, go out and get her,
The minute, you let her under your skin,
Then you begin, to make it better.”
How could she sing the Beatles so perfectly? She didn’t even have a bloody English accent nor singing lessons, at least he didn’t think she did. Her voice was so hypnotising, sweet and smooth yet full of emotion with a tint of sadness. Sadness that quickly went away when the lyrics called for it to. Well, I guess there was one more thing England found out about her everyday that he liked.
“Stupid song goes on for seven minutes!” England’s daydreaming was interrupted by the angry yelling of Elizabeth. He was about to shout at her to be quiet but then realized that it would look bad if she found out he was just sitting here. Best to keep quiet himself.
“Frickin’ Beatles making awesome song but making them too goddamn long.” She muttered to herself in a pout. A small smile grew across England’s lips and he couldn't suppress a silent chuckle. Silly Americans. Then a thought crosses his mind. He wondered what in gods name America was doing. he shrugged it off. That idiot was probably up to nothing. Leaning his head back against the door he closed his eyes.

“Panties...” America grinned to himself as he held up the blue polka dotted underwear that he had found in the laundry room. Examining it he stretched it back and forth before tossing it onto the counter. Man, looking at girls undies was fun but he felt so old for some reason. Ignoring the feeling he exited the laundry room and made his way down stairs. Wandering into the kitchen in search of food he started going through cabinet after cabinet before a thought popped into his mind. What were England and Elizabeth doing?

Turning the drain on the tub the water started disappearing. Carefully stepping out of the slipper water I grabbed a towel and wrapped my hair in it before wrapping one around my body also. Man, that felt good! Quickly drying off I changed into my warm pajamas and walked over to the door. Grabbing the handle and turning it open I stepped into my bedroom.
Looking around suspiciously I felt as if something was off but I couldn’t place my finger on it. My eyes then narrowed in on my door. It was open ajar. Walking over to it I peered outside. I wonder why it’s open... Discarding the feeling I slipped out into the hall.
“I wonder what England and America are doing.” I said to myself as I made my way down the hall. Would life always be this boring? Nothing really happened even though two anime characters started living with me. Letting out a defeated sigh I slowly hopped down the stairs. Maybe something will change.


Viva la vida is actually my favorite song... Just thought u should know that since it is soooo important.

I just HAD to make her an amazing singer. See, I suck at singing so it's fun to write it where a character get's what I don't xD Well for once she get's to live with England and America but that's a different story that we wish all happend to us.

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