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I sat down at out usual table, avoiding the stares of girls as we walked past.
The same blank faces of expression, amazement.
Except one. Liza.

She stared, yes, but the look on her face was different than everyone else's.
While jaws dropped and lips slightly parting, her mouth was closed. Eyes widened, hers remained. It was like she knew me, or had seen me so many times before that she was used to it.
Her eyes claimed me, I was hers. In all honesty, I claimed her too.
My mind flashed back to when I first met her, when Sam put his arm around her. She flinched at his touch.
The thought of him hurting her brought my eyes to flames, but she was never bruised. She never showed signs of abuse.
It was me, my mind, my thoughts that caused me to think that.
Liza is smart, she would run away from that.

I thought about the way she held on to my hand in the hallway when I pulled her off the floor.
Her eyes searched my face looking for something telling her to let go. Then she did. The way pulled at her sleeve showed she was nervous when around me.
I assumed things about her.
Her family, her thoughts, what she looked like without clothes on. It was all very prominent.

It's like she was an open book.
My favorite book.

"David, dude. Snap out of it." Westin punched my shoulder lightly, but enough to knock me out of my thoughts.

"Quit staring at her before you embarrass yourself," Ryan motioned down at my pants and laughed.
I rolled my eyes and finally pulled my gaze away from the beautiful being that was Liza.

"So ladies, Drew is meeting us on 15th street tonight. And by us I mean David and I."

Drew was our drug guy. Anything we needed, wanted, he had it for us. No charge.

"Time," I questioned.

I nodded and slid my tray over to Ryan. "Really Dave?"
"Not hungry."
Ryan shrugged and ate what little I had on my plate.

I couldn't eat. Sam was coming back into town for the weekend and the thoughts started coming back.

I stood and ran a hand through my hair, making my way to Liza's table. I heard Ramsey whistling be hide me and just rolled my eyes.

It was my only chance.



I felt familiar hands grazed my back causing me to sit up straight.
"Did I scare you," David said with a soft laugh.
I tucked a piece of hair be hide my ear.
"A little," I replied, slightly smiling.
I looked up at his figure towering over me.
"What are you doing this weekend?"

"Uh, my boyfriend is visiting."
He nodded and smiled.
"Another time then."
He shoved his hands in his pockets and made his way back to his table. I noticed he had no food in front of him.

Something didn't seen right about him. I knew he was different.

But for some reason, I wanted to see the dark side of David Dobrik.

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