Thug Nation

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three or four months ago

'Twas like every other day, Munez had located his target to lay waste on. He had planned with his crew, but little did he know that it would be his last, for a while that is. It was the first bank of Nigeria that was his target, this guys have never gotten less than a hundred percent success on any of their missions. So when you hear that the thug nation is coming for you, its safe to say your last prayer. This guys are so dangerous that each of them can crumble a country on their own. Each of them have a special quality that made them fit into the group, ranging from the hot-headed one...
Age: 25yrs
Specialty: accurate long range shooting
Nationality: Cross river, Nigeria. the intelligent, some wonder why a person with such pottential of greatness decided to join such a bad gang. But it figures he just enjoys destroying the life of people, perhaps its that he finds that easier than reading...
Name: Philip
Age: 23yrs
Specialty: Hacking
Nationality: Catanzaro, Italy

....then we have the queen diva. One night with her and you may not have a genital after that. She is highly trained because she was an ex-millitary, well, more or less. She got expelled from the Nigerian Defence Academy so no wonder why she seeks to plunder...
Name: Jadis
Age: 23yrs
Specialty: seduction,
Nationality: Gombe, Nigeria

.....his crew call him slow poison, some call him el mgnifico but he calls him self... the gentleman demon. This guy is more or less a magician, a guy that will strap a bomb to his body and go on a sucide bombing expedition but yet come back alive but the damage will be done one way or the other without a scratch...

Name: Mayne John
Age: 26yrs
Specialty: suicide bombing
Nationality: Barcelona, Spain

...she's fast, one second she's here the next second she's not. She could be anybody you wanted her to be, a mistress of disguise....
Name: Ashley
Age: 24yrs
Specialty: Disguise
Nationality: Antananarivo, Madagascar

....he's mad, when he enters a place its gonna be a blood bath. He enjoys seeing peoples life wasted. He is a trained assassin, trained in the deeper parts of Baghdad, Iraq. He's bellet aren't made of metal, infact they are rubber bullet but laced with pyroxine hydroxide one of the most deadly slow poisons because dosent enjoy killing as much as he enjoys seeing people suffer excruciating pain...
Name: A. Ajie
Age: 26yrs
Specialty: mass destruction
Nationality:Zurich, Switzerland

...when it comes to skills, she's #1 . You cant lay a single finger on her during a fight. She can walk in the middle of a war and crumble the two nations single-handedly without breaking a sweat. She also knows how to make a joke in every situation...
Name: Bukie
Age: 25yrs
Specialty: Combat
Nationality: Macau, China

...she can make use of any weapon in a battle, but perhaps she had a better place in the gang, the brains. She is the pillar of the crew, the one that adds concrete to the foundation of any plan. She's also creative, a genuine crafts woman, any machinery you can think of , she makes 'em...
Name: Kendra
Age: 26yrs
Specialty: The brain, the creator
Nationality: Algiers, Algeria

...when you talk about brains, he's there, skills, he's on top, he's ruthless. He will kill any and everybody that comes in the way of him and his goal.
Name Munez
Age 27yrs
Specialty: The boss,
Nationality: Lagos, Nigeria

So on this day, the crew had plans to rob the bank because it looked like they were running low on cash. As they reached the bank, somehow the cops had received Intel that they were coming. It was quiet, well, they knew that they were bosses so nobody should disturb them. But maybe to quiet, the cops had layed ambush for them. Two hundred, three score abd a dozen men ready to risk their lifes to end the crews plunder. This men were the best of their kind, highly trained in the aspect of killing. They were the calvary, when all armed forces navy, airforce and army had failed to get the job done, thats when they get in. "somethings not right" Kendra said "keep your eyes peeled". Before the calvary could begin the ambush. Jp Owogagar began shooting insanely in other to clear the place... "agredir" the commander in chief shouted thinking that they had been spotted. When he realised it was a mistake, the battle was far gone. Bullets flying in the air, it was a catastrophe, the whole place in pandemonium. Each victim of death had at least a dozen bullets pumped into his chest. The battle continued, the calvary reducing in number and with the ordres not to retreat, they persisted but the thug nation hitherto resilient. Not a member of the thug nation had even a scratch. With explosives blowing up every where, the calvary were been pushed back, and the thug nation advancing. Bullets flying all willy nilly, confusion everywhere, smoke clouding the scenario, it was a fierce battle man versus beasts. Finally the commander in chief A. Collins was captured. The calvary took the risk of facing dire consequences and retreated but at least they went home with a trophy, Munez. The chaos was finally over..... "SHIT!!" Jp Owogagar exclaimed, fixing fifty two finger-sized bullets into commander A. Collins chest. The crew headed home with a ninety percent victory for the first time.
Meanwhile in the prison Munez was been tortured to leaking out their hideout. The crew weren't worried because they knew he was a very slippery person and they can hold him there for up to a year. In the prison calls were made only onnce a month so Munez knew that it was a matter of three months latest and he's out of there. It took him a month an he had studied tht prison and after all the calculation, on a scale of one to ten he knew the probability of him getting caught was nine point nine but if that was it , then th chances of him making it was zero point one, so he took the chances. All munez needed was three seconds and he knew how he could get it. He called his crew by the second month and made arrangement. On the d-day, it was time. Shifts are made by exactly midnight and it takes at least five seconds for the new guy to be fully functional. The gang had made their way to the city power plant destroying everything that breathes and finally they cut the power. Munez made a run for it in the dark but it was a suicide mission because the elevators don't work without light, so he would have to wait. When the backup generator kicked up, he made his way down and then......into the sewers. Immediately they noticed, captain Vontrap dispatched a group to bring him dead or alive. As at then , Munez had not gone anywhere because he knew what was coming for him. He needed a diversion. Just then he heard his crew at the top engaging the cops in a serious gun battle. It was time to leave, he thought, but he felt that he shouldn't go just yet. He needed revenge for the tortue they had done to him so he headed back to the prisonto complete some unfinished prison. Captain Vontrap had sent every unit from inside to defend the prison, so he was left alone. Munez had spotted him from afar digging into his burger. "Enjoy, cause its gonna be your last...unless they sell that in hell!" he said looking at the captain with a smirk on his face. They began to fight, Munez raining down blows on the captain and he was returning the favour. As quickly as the fight began, it ended. Both inside and outside, the thug nation was victorious. As they awaited their boss, behold he came out holding captain Vontrap 's head as a trophy. Normally, th crew would have released every other criminal there and...they actually did...but as the criminals were making their way home, Jp Owogagar opened fire on them and then all of them joined him, wasting the life of ...well, not so innocent souls. The government had sent some troops to assist during the clash but they knew what was best for them and stayed out. When the pandemonium was over, they decided to scout the area and on reaching there, they found bodies lying here and there, both the dead, injured and alive. Well only one man that was still alive with merely minor injuries. He was a civilian. Before the battle, all civilians were cleared from the area for the ammagedon to take place. But he looked familiar, "yeah" commander Toff exclaimed as they exchanged handshake. It was Eddie a guy always in the right place at the wrong time. He had claimed to have witnessed all the robbery, suicide bombings, gun battles and one way or the other, he always makes it out alive but this time he was barely lucky. He had even told the government a long time ago about the thug nation. "a heavy tornado is that is unstoppable. One that will sweep any and everything in its path" he had said. The government ignored him, judging him from his dressing to be a drunkard or insane. He was always scruffy looking, but what he sees coming is always genuine. The government had come to realise it later that this was what he meant. They thought it was not to late so they used him as a spy to get info on the gangs next hit, and he was successful, but the battle not so much. They headed back to headquarters to discuss on a capture strategy. They were headed in a limo but on reaching their destination, he had vanished from within.

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