Chapter 1

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~ Author's Note ~

Hiya, my lovely sweeties! <3 How are you all? And welcome to my new story! I gotta say a few things about it:

♦ I will update the cover and every chapter's drawing eventually --just like in my previous story, "She's my wish"-- just not now because I have to study (they will all be digital, yes).
♦ I will upload this chapter just to know if you like it. If just one person wants me to continue the story, then I will but I might take awhile ^_^
♦ This is a reader insert, as most of you might know, you are free to create your own character and imagine her in the story. You have no limits! 😁
♦ And last but not least! You know: If you find a typo... just tell Carlina to fix it! ;D

That said, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Love you all~! 😘

~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~



"You need something?" leaving his pencil and ruler, though not his work, aside, Peepers took a moment to detect any miscalculations in the blueprints "I'm quite busy right now."

"Nothing, I was..." taking a step into the bedroom, the other alien stated her reason to be there. That didn't have too much of a justified reason "... just bored, and wanted to talk with someone."

Her feet lazily lead her to the desk where the commander was working, as she imposed her presence on half his paperwork: she rested her head on the table, looking curiously at him, and let out a big, contagious yawn that almost made him sleepy in a split of a second.

"You don't mind, right?"

"I DO mind."

"Why?" Peepers replied before she had the chance to even whine about it.

"Well, you see... I have no time to 'be bored' or to 'want to talk with someone'." he frowned out of reflex, reconsidering to draw a new design for whatever he was designing "I'll repeat myself: I'm busy now, (Name)."

"Hm! Should I feel honoured? You hardly repeat yourself to anyone." (Name) smirked. This increased Peepers' annoyance a tad bit.

"Do you really have nothing to do?"

"Nope. Nothing to do. At all." another yawn followed until a quick glance at the blueprints opened her eyes, so she smiled convincingly "Can I help with the new toy?"

"It's NOT a toy. It's an important request that lord Hater entrusted me w--"

"Blah, blah. They are all toys after all!"

Shutting up his peeper seemed like the best option at the time. Of course a living creature with an average IQ wouldn't understand all of his dedicated work.

It wasn't worth the arguing.

The commander considered himself free from the interrogatory until a heavy sigh almost sent his papers flying away, if it was not for his hand reacting quick enough to grab ahold of them. (Name)? She didn't even care.

"Have you seen Captain Tim anywhere?" even if he wasn't watching her, Peepers would bet his non-existent salary that (Name) was on her knees, half her body under his bed, looking for the lord's pet.

"NO. I haven't." if he actually had a mouth, you'd surely hear his teeth gritting.

"What about Hater?" the female one got up, and jumped on his bed, starting to slowly swing her legs back and forth "Have you seen him?"


"I wonder when will Wander and Syl visit again?" she now proceeded to lay down, totally ignoring the commander's 'to-be-in-my-room' rule number six: 'not climbing on my bed with your shoes still on'.

"The shoes."

"It feels kinda quiet without lord yelling around." she rephrased her sentence when she noticed that statement was false "Yelling around while chasing someone, I mean." false again. Hater ALWAYS gave chase to his watchdogs when things were too quiet in the skull ship. She facepalmed, mumbling a last sentence "While chasing Wander, I mean."

"I dunno 'bout that."

"Oh, I'm SOOO bored!" past the fifth failed attempt to catch his attention, (Name) stretched like a cat and threw a pillow at Peepers, who, you might know by now, was angry to the point where you could see  his massive peeper boiling, literally.

"Find yourself a hobby then."

"Are you sure moody today."

"Are you sure annoying today."


A moment came when the fading sound of footsteps, and the following silence deceived him into believing that precious loneliness returned to his day, allowing him to exhale a long sigh.

A nice, quiet room like this one, was perfect for someone like our commander. And a nice, quiet room like this one, was what he craved for now.

As long as there were no unwelcomed guests again...

"If I adjust for x... maybe this value can easily provide me of the answer I need." he took the eraser and quickly dispatched of the previous equation "Now, what if..."

The other, white paper was being doodled on, with new equations and new variables, the same mathematical constant. Peepers didn't even bother in obtaining the trigonometric functions that popped up in his work with a calculator, device that by the way, was resting uselessly on the same desk where he was working.

When you are Peepers, you don't need a calculator. Or even paper. But he had to write the fruits of his research down somewhere, for his boss to look at-- since lord Hater would refuse to read all his nerd stuff. So, he even bothered in adding weird but apparently easy-to-understand drawings.

"Oh!" with the same excitement that greek guy shouted 'Eureka!', the shortest amongst the watchdogs exclaimed "How could this pass me by!?" he let out a low chuckle, before replacing a stray '3' for '2' "What a silly mistake of me."



"You sure took long to notice that!"


His eye jumped in surprise when his annoying friend peeked over his shoulder, appearing out of the blue, just like a ghost, and talked into his emm, 'ear'. The mischievous one seemed to know beforehand what her sudden apparition would cause, so she couldn't help into holding back a giggle, that was low enough to be almost inaudible but loud enough for Peepers' eardrums.

Just like his lord, she was pure evil.


"You mad?" the commander had LOTS of patience especially with her, but that smug face of 'I did that on purpose because you look funny when you're angry' got to his optic nerves, tinting his eye crimson.

"GO OUTTA MY ROOM NOW!" he yelled with that tiny, nasal voice of him.

"..." leaving her not-at-all surprised face aside --for it was not that uncommon to be in the presence of yelling commander-- she smirked, like she was being challenged "What if I don't want to?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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