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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!! Nanami's alarm went off signaling for her to get out of bed. Nanami yawned and looked over to see Tomoe smiling in his sleep.

Nanami's pov

Aw, Tomoe looks so cute when his asleep. I'm surprised that he dissent just tell me to go back in my room last night, maybe he likes me too? NO NO NO!!! Of course he wouldn't! But maybe...

Nanami smiled and got up and went in her room to put on her school clothes which of course was her brown top with a matching yellow tie and her brown skirt. Nanami left her room and went in the kitchen to see Tomoe up and making food, Tomoe looked up from a recipe book and handed Nanami the schools Halloween party sign up sheets, Nanami smiled at Tomoe and finally said,
" Thanks " Nanami smiled as she said those few words. Tomoe nodded and closed the book he was reading.

" Nanami are you going to school?" Tomoe asked looking at Nanami with a glare. " Y-Yeah why do you care?"Nanami asked her words shuttered. " oh, no reason but is that idol going to be there!" Tomoe said putting his finger on Nanami's forehead. " I don't know or care!!" Nanami yelled at him hardheaded. Tomoe took out a fan and started fanning himself, with it. Nanami rolled her eyes at Tomoe being sort of annoying to her. " why Tomoe, do you want to come with me?" Nanami said making her eyebrows up and down, which Tomoe glared at , for her really awkward reaction to him. " No!" Tomoe said making Nanami stop doing that with her eyebrows.

" Fine~" Nanami said knowing that she had won the battle. Tomoe smirked a little before Nanami poked his ear that ticked him off!


Words: 302 °¿°

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