Friday [last chapter]

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"Tomoe are you coming, Ami and Kei are waiting!" Nanami screeched her loud voice waiting for Tomoe to come and tell her to shut up. Nanami looked around the shrine to finally hear Tomoe stomping over to Nanami.
"Ah~ there you are Tomoe, it's about time!" Nanami smiled at Tomoe. "Yeah,Yeah,Yeah now Nanami hurry up and go outside!" Tomoe yelled making Nanami feel a little uneasy. "Ok fine~!" Nanami yelled as she went outside with Tomoe following on behind her. Tomoe heard a few giggles escape from Nanami's mouth. Nanami did this a couple more times until Tomoe just got feed up with it Tomoe yelled out, "Nanami what is so funny?!" Nanami smiled and replied with a kawaii smile, "you have to go to the Halloween party with me...!" Nanami blushed. Tomoe smiled. Kei looked at Nanami and Tomoe and smiled saying, "come you to love birds!" Tomoe glared and frowned. Nanami started to laugh. "So, Nanami what are you and Tomoe going as?" Ami asked with a smile looking back at Tomoe and Nanami. "Well, Ami you know a Kamisama?" Nanami asked her friend. Ami nodded for her to go on. "Well, I'm being a Kamisama and Tomoe is going to be a fox yokai." Nanami smiled huge looking down. Then bad news happened.....Kurama was driving right beside Kei,Ami,Tomoe,and Nanami. Kurama quickly noticed Tomoe and said, " Ha! I see you like to hang out with girls!?" Kurama laughed as he continued to drive. Tomoe then smirked and said, "Kurama I would have rode with you, but your to dumb to know which side of the rode to drive on!" Tomoe said as Kurama's eyes widened and he then noticed people honking their horns at him. "O-Oh?!" Kurama said as he looked like he was about to die of being embarrassed. Nanami smiled and hugged Tomoe's arm, Tomoe looked at Nanami and smirked. After a few minutes Nanami had fallen asleep on Tomoe....

Time skip~#at school!

"Oh,no it's the fox!" Kurama said running into Tomoe. "Kurama you moron are you gay?" Nanami asked getting a little annoyed by how much Tomoe wasn't talking to her, but he was talking to one of the most people he had ever hated Kurama. At Nanami's funny but rude question, Kurama was left there standing his mouth wide open at Nanami who was glaring her brown eyes out at him. "U-um no!!, Nanami!! Why would you even ask something as stupid as that!?" Kurama said freaking out, like he had just been kicked and dirt was on his back. "Because, you are always trying to talk to him, so it's either shut up! or I will just say you are gay!" Nanami shouted so that all his fans could hear which actually got laughs from some of the fans. And others jealous since Kurama only would usually talk to Nanami, always trying to make her smile, but Nanami never did. Tomoe was smirking at Nanami's saw jealousy of him not talking to her, because Tomoe thought he was to busy to talk to her, because he had to have a fight with Kurama and all his stupidity. Ami and Kei was laughing there heads off at the sence and so was many others. Then some kid came up and yelled out, "HEY MOMOZONO AT LEAST HE HAS MONEY NOT ONLY TO EAT RICE!!!!" he yelled. Nanami looked back and said. "Huh?!" "wait I don't Tomoe helps make my lunch!!" Nanami yelled getting set of embraces because she had remembered that kids would always tease her about what she brought for lunch. However, now that Tomoe was there, he would make her lunches and sit by her everyday.

"Oh, Nanami,Nanami,Nanami, you should have thought about all the things that you had just said to me, cause now I'm not going to ask you to the dance!" Kurama bragged as he had just won a gold medal or something that was actually cool, but all what he was busy doing was getting his fan girls to scream and give Tomoe a headache. "Kurama! I hate to tell you! But I don't like you .......
Infact I hate you!!! So just shut up and get a life, so you don't away ruin me and Tomoe's relationship!!!!"Nanami yelled her face full of blush. Tomoe starting blushing as well, and hid it by reading a book. Kurama looked over at Tomoe then Nanami, and over again then he finally said, "now I get it! Nanami you are in love with Tomoe!!Huh!?" Kurama said getting laughs from all his fans. Tomoe looked at Nanami who was on the ground hearing people laugh at her. "So what?" Tomoe said looking Kurama dead in the eyes. " Kurama I have a question for you?" Tomoe said glaring at him and pulling Nanami back to her feet. Kurama glared back with his arms crossed, he nodded at Tomoe to go on. "By a change, are you in love with Nanami?" Tomoe asked with a sly smirk on his face. Kurama looked around to see all his fans that were girls ticked off. " see.....well........I......I JUST WANTED HER TO LOVE ME!!!!I JUST DIDN'T GET THAT SHE DIDN'T FALL HEAD OVER HEELS FOR ME!!!!" Kurama whined at Tomoe, which yes was Infact going to drive him insane. "GET OVER IT!!" Nanami yelled at Kurama.....

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