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I walked downstairs and giggled seeing the calendar

"December 15th already" I giggled skipping along

My birthday on Christmas Day was rather fun and I guess it's a habit to be so happy around the time

I smiled but tripped on a floorboard face first

I laid there for a second and heard some running footsteps

I glanced up and saw Zegro on the verge of laughs

Zegro smirked and helped me back up to my feet

"Thanks Z" I laughed

"Cmon, I've got shopping to do" Zegro laughed

I nodded and started walking to my car

I unlocked it and saw Kiki running

"Wait!!! Lea-Chan!" Kiki said running over

"What?" I smiled

"Can you take me to the shops please? I need to get Tsu-Kun something for Christmas" Kiki giggled

Zegro walked over and handed Kiki 20,000 yen and walked off to her car

I smiled and let Kiki into the car and started driving

I got to the shopping centre and we walked around

Kiki went round getting little gifts and got Tsuneo a mini Christmas tree and I smiled at the gifts id gotten

A tea set for Teony, an Apron for Diana, a rubber band gun for Zegro, a sewable notebook for Ozzy, a mic for Oka, some matching headphones and socks for the twins, some study books and documentary's for Lisa, a new eye patch for Sino, some fake blueberries to tell her to stop DYING HER GOD DAMN HAIR for Ruka, some headphones for Saika and some colouring pens for Kiki

I finished and walked with Kiki

"Look it's Z-chan" Kiki giggled

Kiki ran over to Zegro and they started talking

I saw Zegro asking something and Kiki pointing at something in the store
Zegro started for a minute and mumbled something before sighing and going into the store after handing Kiki about 1,000 yen

Kiki walked over and smiled

"Can we go get Tsu-Kun some chocolate for Christmas?" Kiki giggled

I smiled and nodded

"I had to get him something anyway" I smiled

We walked to the store and Kiki got a huge bar of chocolate while I was in another store getting Tsuneo some presents

I walked down the path with Kiki and I saw Zegro looking happy with some flowers and a bag
It was a chocolate bag from some fancy store and it was bulkier then normal suggesting she'd put something else in it

I smirked and opened my car

"Cmon Kiki, lets get home and wrap these up before the holidays" I smiled sitting in my seat

Kiki sat in the back and waited happily till we got home

We walked in and I sat my bags on the side while I laid down on the couch

I yawned and started to fall asleep

The extended ending!!!

Zegro POV

I walked into the house and saw Lea on the couch

I cracked my knuckles and smirked

I drew a-bit on her face and got a huge blanket onto her

Normally I'd go to sleep but I have smarts
I went to my room, locked away my 'purchases' and practically passed out on my bed

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