Meeting big Mama!

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Tsuneo POV

I yawned and sat up

I stood up and got dressed

I opened the door and instantly as I stepped out I fell to the floor

I looked up and saw Zegro

Zegro jolted to her feet and I sat up slightly flustered

"Pull your load! Move it or loose it!" Zegro snapped

"What?" I looked up confused

"Take the mop" Zegro said shoving a mop into my hands

"I'm still on the floor" I sighed

Zegro walked off and I sighed standing up

I shut my bedroom door and started mopping the hallway since she is my big sister and she told me to

I finished and walked into the kitchen only to be further weirded out

All the sisters were cleaning photos, dusting and cleaning the floor

"What's going on down he-" I glanced over and froze

Zegro...was wearing.....A SWEATER?!!!

"I hate it too, shut up" Zegro glared

"Then why are you wearing it?" I sniggered

"Shut it" Zegro said walking away

I glanced around and Lisa shook her head

"Your attire won't do, 65% of it is so, I'll fix it up" Lisa said dragging me to my room

We walked in and she opened my draws with no hesitation

I blushed and covered my eyes as she went through my clothes

I felt her tug my hand and I looked and she handed me some of my jeans and a nice shirt and tie

I tried to think of something To say and realised

Lisa was known to be able to calculate our traits in seconds so she probably figured out where I keep my clothes and which draws so she knew not to go in...

"Yup, I did know, now change" Lisa said walking out

She shut the door and I sighed

"Why are my sisters acting so weird" I said picking up the clothes ad changing into them

"I look hardly like myself" I sighed

I walked it of my room and Lisa instantly dragged me down the hallway to the lounge and pushed me onto the couch

"Ow...what's going on?" I groaned

"Our mothers coming over and we need to look presentable" Teony said

All the sisters sat on the couch in age order and I was stood at the side

Teony opened the door and minutes later we heard small clicking

Teony walked in with a woman with black hair and glasses and she smiled

Teony walked in with a woman with black hair and glasses and she smiled

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"Hello darlings" she smiled

"Mom, this is Tsuneo, he's the brother we told you about" Teony smiled

I bowed and smiled

"Thank you Miss Denies" I bowed and stood back up

"Look, your like my new son, you've been taking care of my little girls haven't you?" She smiled

I chuckled and shook my head sheepishly

"It's more like they've been taking care of me" I laughed

"Have they been good? And please call me mom, Denies is too formal" 'Mom' smiled

"O-okay, y-yeah, they were looking after me a lot" I frowned

"Huh? What's wrong?" Mom frowned

"Does she know about his little 'problem'?" Lisa sighed

"No, we should probably explain" Diana sighed

"What's?" Mom sighed

"When I was born I had a very weak heart and breathing functionality. So when I came here I would have panic attacks and breathing problems but I've been fine"  I smiled

"Oh my, are you sure? What triggers it?" Mom frowned touching my shoulder

"Too many people and anything too stressful" I frowned looking at the floor

"Oh he's so cute, thank you for looking after him girls" mom smiled stroking me

I looked at the girls and they were all looking kind but I could tell they were all feeling mild cocky from all the praise for looking after me

I smiled and spoke

"So why so sudden did you come here?" I smiled

"I found out what happened with Ruka, I wanted to check on you and I wanted to meet you anyway" mom laughed

"When will you leave?" Oka scoffed

"Later Oka, what's wrong this time?" Mom frowned

"Everything, I don't want to be here" Oka frowned

"She doesn't mean it" Yuka frowned

"She's just grumpy because her work isn't well right now" Yuzu frowned

"I see, well how about we chat a bit" Mom smiled

I smiled and sat on the couch with the girls

Mom and Teony sat down and we started talking

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