Chapter 5 Dinner with Mr Stark

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The secret that Loki is scared of thunder still amazed me. I happily sat in the kitchen eating a bowl of cornflakes, it was about mid-afternoon. There were footsteps approaching the kitchen door. Steve walked in dripping with sweat. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. He must have taken longer on his jog this morning.

"Hello ma'am. I was wondering if you could help me workout, everyone else is away. Well Tony is in the lab but he will not be any help. You could, only if you want to of course," Steve said scratching the back of his neck.

"Sure" I replied not really trusting my voice.

Steve and me have been in training for over 5 hours. Well he has I watched. The amount of determination he has just to get better and stronger to help people in need really makes my heart melt. Now he was kicking a dummy senseless. I overheard Tony say something about that he's good with his arms but not with his feet. Therefore, I guess he was trying to improve it on his footwork. With one final kick, the dummy was sent flying across the room. I grabbed the blue towel and brought it towards him. Sweat was pouring off his face; he must have really been pushing himself today. He gently took the towel and wiped his face.

"Miss (L/n), Mr. Stark would like to see you in the lab. As soon as you have a moment," Jarvis said.

"Ok thanks Jarvis I'm on my way now"

I made the long way down the endless halls of Stark tower. My brain started to wonder what Tony wanted. All of a sudden, I was that the Labs then an Almighty bang happened there was grey smoke everywhere that filled the once empty hall. The smoke cleared to reveal a very dirty Mr. Stark.

"Um Mr. Stark what happened?" I ask making my way to him

"Hey cupcake, I was making a new iron man suit" He replied

"Oh at 8, me and you are going out to dinner. Put some elegant on, it's a very expensive posh restaurant. Bye cupcake." Tony said running back in the lab before I could answer.

"Um ok" I said to no one.

I wonder if Steve is still training. I decided that I was going to go see if I could help Steve with his work out. I finally got to the training room. I looked around the room Steve was nowhere to be found. However, Bucky was in the corner lifting weights. It seemed that he did not notice me. I had better leave him to it I thought to myself.

"What's up doll? Looking for Steve? "Bucky asked still lifting weights

"Um yeah, I was helping him with his workout. Only because I have nothing to do" I replied.

"Well if you don't have anything to do. Why do you join me? I am heading over to the market," Bucky said placing the weights on the rack.

"Cool. When do we leave?" I ask

"Now" Bucky said walking out of the room.

"HEY, WAIT FOR ME" I called after him.

The market was full of people. Young to old, short to tall. There was one place I wanted to go the fruit stall. I overheard that a certain green-eyed angel liked strawberries and Steve told me about Bucky likes plums when he was doing his workout. Over the fair end of the market was the fruit stand

"Can I have 2 pots of strawberries and 2 pots of plums please?" I ask the old man.

"Of course, you can. That will be $3.30" (I don't know how much they are in the USA sorry)

I gave the man the money and made my way to Bucky who was over at the meat stand.

"See anything you like?" I asked looking at all the types of meat.

The Avengers x chubby reader PrettyWhere stories live. Discover now