chapter six

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-Audition Time!-

Tuesday, after school, at the lockers :

Garroth's Pov -

"Ding! "My phone rang. I turned it on and checked my notifications. Aphmau sent me a text!


Garroth: okay!

I quickly closed my locker and rushed through the stairs to the auditorium. I pushed the doors open and a smile blinded me as I went in. Aphmau's smile always makes my day.

"Damn, you run fast!" She giggled.

"H-heh, anything for you." I smiled.

"Come on! Go audition for the role of Esmund The Protector!" Aphmau playfully pushed me.


"Or else!" She squinted at me.

I rushed down to the first row of the auditorium. There was the drama teacher, sitting with piles of papers next to her.

"Um, may I have the papers for the role of Esmund The Protector?" I asked.

The drama teacher looked up at me with sparkles in her eyes. "Of course!" She passed me some papers.

I went up a few rows back. I saw Aphmau with some papers too and sat next to me.

"Well?" Aphmau questioned, looking at my papers.

I looked through my papers and it didn't look that bad. "Not bad actually."

She laughed. "That looks like a lot!"

"I-I'm kinda n-nervous" I stuttered.

"Gar Gar, you shouldn't be!" Aphmau looked at me, smiling.

My palms were sweating, the papers were absorbing my sweat. Ah, her eyes are just too beautiful, she's beautiful!

"Y-Yeah! I-I shouldn't be nervous!" I nervously giggled. Oh my god, Garroth Alexander Ro'meave, you are nervous as fuck!

I heard small giggles from Aphmau. "Poor blondie, you're hella nervous." Crap. "Well you better practice a bit because auditions are starting in a few minutes."

"Y-Yup, I'm sure do need to practice!" I awkwardly smiled.

"Peace out Ro'meave!" She winked at me and walked to the .

I feel like I skipped a heartbeat. That means nothing, right? I better practice these lines.


A few minutes later :

"Okay! Auditions are starting! First off, for the role of Esmund The Protector, Blaze Gray." The drama teacher yelled.

Then some werewolf guy with red hair and two different eye color walked up to the stage. He said his lines without emotions.

I looked at the drama teacher and she was talking to Aphmau who was beside her. It looked like Aphmau shook her head.

"Next is Gene Knights." The drama teacher said.

Surprisingly, Gene walked up the stage. He cleared his throat. Gene basically almost did the same thing as the other guy.

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