chapter seventeen

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-Or else what?
Part 2: Let's go to "Prom"!-

Aphmau's Pov -

I opened my eyes and sat up, then an instant headache hit me. I looked around to figure out where I was. I was still in my clothes from last night but it didn't smell like vomit. Didn't I vomit last night? I was in my bed, I turned to my bedside table and there was a container of Advil, a water bottle and a small piece of paper.

"Good morning princess,

I left some medicine for your headache. Hope you feel better!

-Love, GarGar"

After I read the piece of paper, I took the Advil, drank the water and went to my bathroom. I looked at the mirror. What the fuck happened last night at the party? Well I should take a shower since prom is later in the day. I removed my clothes and entered my shower.


Lunch time, at home :

I ate some leftovers from the fridge since no one was home, not even Zoey and Dale. I received a text from the group chat.

Laurance: every1 ready for prom!! bc IM NOT!

Katelyn: I dont want to fucking wear a dress!

Dante: brooooo i can't find my contacts

Lucinda: y'all, theres a hoe who has the same dress as mee!!!

K~C: You guys have dates and I don't have one~ ;-;

Nicole: I just started my period ;-; ;-;

Travis: i forgot to wash my suit

Garroth: wtf is going on? How are you guys not ready yet?

Aphmau: yeah XD I just need to put on my dress and i'm done XD

Laurance: can we just not go to prom?

Travis: YES

Lucinda: yasssss

K~C: plz plz plz

Katelyn: if makes me not wear a dress then yeh

Dante: butt where would we go?

Garroth: We can go to the amusement park 


Aphmau: I don't mind, i don't have a date anyways sooooo it'd be boringg

K~C: sameeee

Nicole: just get me chocolate and ill be fine

Dante: dont worry bb ill be buy you some >-<

Katelyn: the amusement park sounds great

Laurance: ayt ayt every1 heres the plan


Laurance: meet up at the park at 7

love me back or else! : a garmau fanfiction ✓Where stories live. Discover now