1 ~ pilot

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hi! Thank you for clicking on this book and giving it a chance. I got this idea from a personal experience of mine. I tried to make this book as realistic as possible, so it will get a little bumpy at times. 

Please note there will be explicit content; strong language, sexual content, possibly some self harm. I will give a warning at the beginning of chapters if you want to skip over them.



dylan's point of view:

mrs. costa dropped the paper on my desk, giving me a look.

I picked it up, playing with the corners.
'13/50.. F'
I let out a loud sigh, knowing my chance of graduating this year was out the window.
The bell rang and I headed out the door, dragging my feet behind me. I went to my locker and fumbled around with the lock, trying to put in the passcode.
I felt a hand wrap around my waste and squeeze me. I turned around to see who it was.
"Lyndsey, hey." I turned around to give her a proper hug.
"How was 5th?" She asked.
"I flunked that calc test."
"Dylan. You need a tutor, you're grades are so bad. Did you write your essay?" I turned around and continued trading out my books.

"You're kidding me. Ugh, I have to go but we're talking later." She teased me, giving me a quick kiss before running off to class. I closed my locker and headed to marine biology. Posted on the billboard was a poster;
'Tutoring for all subjects. Take one!' On the bottom of the poster were small slices of paper with a phone number written. I tore one off and put it in my pocket.
When I got home, I walked over to the phone and dialed the number on the small piece of paper.

".. hello, Collete Residence." A middle aged woman said.
"Uh, hi. I was calling because I found a poster at school offering tutoring with your number."

"Oh yes! One moment please.. Luna! Come here! There's someone on the phone about tutoring!" I wait a few more seconds before a new voice comes through the phone. I played with the cord while listening.

"Hi, this is Luna. You're asking about tutoring?"

"Uh, yea. I'm doing pretty bad in Language Arts and Calculus."

"How bad?"

"Failing every test, Getting an F on every essay.."

"That is pretty bad. Well I can definitely help. Tomorrow at lunch meet me in the west wing on the stair case."

"Uh. Okay. Thanks."

"No problem, see you then."
She hung up the phone fast. I put it and down and headed up the stairs.

Luna's point of view:

I stood there for 10 minutes waiting, finally a tall, built boy with brown hair approached me. He was walking fast with a half eaten apple in his hand.

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