Sneaky Spy

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I opened the drawing book again, and there it was: on the page opposite, someone had written:

"What did you think of the song? Let me know sometime. :) Jonah"

My heart fluttered; I finally learned his name. I learned his name by embarrassing myself. I got so mad at myself.

I thought to myself:

"How could I do that? Why did I have to fall asleep? Why couldn't I have stayed awake?"

"Because of his voice..." my brain responded. His voice, Jonah's voice, was so angelic, it seemed to create an atmosphere of trust and safety, as if nothing could have happened to me.

The bell for class rang, interrupting my thoughts. I had English, my least favorite class simply because the tasks we are given are always supremely boring and I can usually just finish them at home without even paying attention in class.

I walked to the classroom's door, to only remember this was one of my classes with him. "With Jonah" my brain chimed in. I felt a certain excitement to sit in the class now. I always sat in the back, where there are only two tables, and people usually didn't sit next to me, because no one wants to excluded from their friends' conversations.

I sat down and prepared my books, also taking my journal out so that I could potentially work on my drawing. Or so I wanted to force myself to believe. I really wanted to write my ideas on how to talk to him about what happened. I obviously couldn't just ignore what happened, especially with him asking for my opinion. That would have been too rude of me, and I already made a fool of myself by falling asleep outside his practice session.

I had opened the English book and held it upright as if I was reading it. I was so engrossed in my thoughts, I didn't notice someone sat next to me for about 30 seconds.

"So, do you visit the Music section of campus often?"

I closed my journal abruptly, producing a clapping noise that brought the teacher's attention to my direction. I whispered apologetically. I recognized the voice that spooked me out of my brain's labyrinth.

I turned my head to Jonah, barely able to keep eye contact for a second before turning my head to my English book again.

Instead of answering, I opened my journal to the page he wrote on.

I wrote "No, not really. Today was a special occasion."

I continued: "The song was really nice, too. I didn't know anyone in our grade was such a good singer."

I passed the book to Jonah for him to read.

Jonah thought this girl was really cute when he found her outside today. He had noticed her before, since she didn't really talk to many people, but she seemed the type of girl to get things done if needed. He thought this was the case, otherwise why would the teachers not annoy her as much as they annoyed him about work.

Jonah read what she wrote. He smiled at her last sentence, and started to write.

"Thanks, and I didn't know anyone was such a good drawer in our grade, as well as a sneaky spy."

He passed me back the journal with the huge smile on his face, and he watched as my face gained a smile. I looked up at him and caught him staring. We held eye contact for a couple second.

"His eyes are so beautiful." I thought.

"Her eyes shine so much when she smiles." He thought.

I wrote him that we should probably do some work, and he didn't write anything in response, just nodded slightly.

Five minutes before the end of class, Jonah tapped my hand and pointed to the journal.

Jonah didn't want this to be a one-time thing, so he wrote his phone number in the journal in a red pen and a smiley face next to it.

He gave it back to me right as the bell rang, so I didn't have time to see it until I got home.

I fell onto my bed, took out my journal, and saw his number in my favorite color. I almost screamed in joy, but I didn't want my mom to come upstairs. My heart sped up by what felt like 100 times as I texted the number.

"Hey, it's the sneaky spy" I typed

He replied quickly "Hey, I was worried you would forget to check your secret journal"

"Haha, I would never forget after today"

"Well, that's great."

I wasn't sure what to say. Was I supposed to ask him out for coffee? To go to the park? How did one have a normal conversation with someone, let alone their crush?

Luckily, I didn't have to.

"So...I love coffee, and I don't know about you, but I would love to get some right now. Want to join me? :)"

"One sec, I'll check with my mom"

I went downstairs to find my mom reading a Harry Potter book on the couch.

"Hey Mom, I have a question." I say barely containing my excitement so much, my voice even cracked.

"Sure, sit down and ask me. Also, honey, you need to read this Harry Potter books, they would be so much more entertaining than your current English books."

"Mom, yes, I know, I will at some point, I promise. But...uhm, my question is if I can go have some coffee right now with Jonah, a boy in my grade. So, may I?" I say with the biggest smile on my face and trusting eyes.

"WAIT, you mean to tell me you actually not only have a planned meeting with someone, but it is a BOY?! Oh my god, sweetie, I'm so proud of you. Yes, of course, you can go." My mom pulled me into a tight hug as she spoke with such excitement and energy, my face had gone completely numb from the smile I was wearing.

"Do you need me to drive you or anything, do you need help getting rea-"

"No, Mom, it's okay. Thank you for letting me go, I'll see you later" I interrupted.

I kissed her on the cheek before going back to my room to get changed, and then, off I went, on my first thing with my crush, hoping only for the best.

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