-chapter 7-

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(Billy's pov) 

Stu sprints out the door. I stand there watching the rain from the open door for a few moments, before I slam the door shut. I sit down on the bed and look over at the discarded pizza laying on the floor. Eating doesn't even seem like an option at this point. Drowsiness consumes me. I refuse to sleep. I sit on the bed for around 5 minutes. I start thinking. Why did I blow up at Stu like that? He's always been there for me, almost like a brother. Yet I almost killed him. I feel tears streaking down my cheeks I look at the clock and see an hour has passed. I don't remember how the remote got in my hand but it's there now. I suddenly turn on the TV. A news reporter pops up on screen.

"The infamous ghostface killers are still at large and are believed to be in the area please...." I couldn't hear what else she said before I was out the door running through the rain.

"STU! STU! STU! WHERE ARE YOU" I yell as I run into the street.

(Stu's pov)

I sit under the overpass away from the rain. My clothes a soaked. I'm only wearing a         T-shirt and jeans. I didn't have time to grab my jacket before I left. I pull my shirt closer to my body trying to keep warm. I feel my eye lids shutting. "I hear myself mutter "I'm sorry billy I love you" before I pass out. 

(Billy's pov) 

I drive around asking people people if they'd seen Stu run by. How could I have been so stupid. I love Stu. I always thought of him as a friend or a brother. I was wrong. I start to cry, I call out Stu's name a couple more times. Just as I'm about to give up I see someone under an overpass. I pull over to ask if they'd seen Stu. I stumble out of the car and take Stu into my arms. He's ice cold. I start panicking and quickly check for a pulse. He's alive. I pick him up and place him into the car. I crank up the heater full blast in an attempt to warm him up. I quickly turn around and start speeding off towards the motel.

--Holy fuck I finally updated. Now that's a fucking surprise. I'll try to update sooner next time. Knowing my dumb ass that might take a while tho

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